Chapter 14

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Content warning: swearing 

Jonah was finally awake, he was still tired but decided to get up anyway. Once he looked around his living room he saw the front door was still open.

"Aw- shit.." Jonah said under his breath as he got up and quickly shut and locked the door. He then felt a shiver down his spine. He knew something was off....Really off.

Jonah cautiously made his way to the couch and quickly grabbed his phone and the car keys before bolting it out of the house. He then started the car to only look up at the house and see the front door slam shut.

Jonah's suspicions were unfortunately, correct. Now both Jonah and Adam needed a new place to stay. They could however wait until the coast is clear and their house is empty once again. But Jonah doubted that it would just happen overnight.

Jonah started to drive but then he realized that he had actually nowhere to go.

"Maybe I could crash at the hospital with Adam. But then once visiting hours are over I would be kicked out....screw it. I'll just sneak in or some shit like that." Jonah continued to drive.

–Time Skip–

Jonah finally made it to the hospital, he made his way to Adam's room. Once he was in front of the door he paused. He was having those thoughts again. Thoughts of doubt.

[What if- no. I do need a place to stay and I'm sure they'll still want to be friends with me, I shouldn't have to worry...everything will be fine.] Jonah hesitantly opened the door and walked in.

"Jonah?" Adam called. Jonah flinched a bit, his back facing Adam while he walked in.

"Yeah?...." Jonah said while closing the door. His voice cracked a little.

"I thought you left for the day, why are you here? Visiting hours are almost over, you know?"

"Yeah... about that uhm.. you see...I actually need somewhere to sleep. The uh house is sort of no longer safe..." Jonah tried to not side track from what he was saying.

"I....don't follow."

Jonah slowly walked over to the chair next to the bedside and sat down. He didn't even try to make eye contact with Adam.

"An...alternate- broke into our house.." Jonah started to fiddle with his hands a bit. He was gradually getting nervous because he didn't want Adam to know he was the one who left the door open and let the alternate free to enter.

Adam didn't say anything, they looked down and thought about something. Adam's face became a little red.

"So, what now.. Jonah?"

Jonah continued to stay quiet still not making eye contact and fiddling with his hands.

"Just before you got here a nurse came in to say I'll be able to leave soon.." Adam tried hard to make conversation but all Jonah did was nod.

"Look dude.....Jonah.. you don't need to feel like anything's gonna have to change between us. The last thing I want for us is to get awkward." This time Jonah looked at Adam. He seemed upset.

Adam sighed then looked Jonah in the eye.

"I'm tired Jonah.. I'm just going to be honest and forward right now." Adam leaned forward a bit, closer to Jonah's face.

"We've been friends for God knows how long. You are the best thing that has happened to me dude. I love you. I mean that."

Jonah's eyes widened by those words. But his face twisted into shame and sadness.

[Maybe he still thinks I'm referring to this as friends]

"Goddammit Jonah I love you more than a friend. L-like I....YOU KNOW-!" Adam's face was red. They tried to see if Jonah would get the memo because they felt embarrassed by the words.

Jonah was shocked, his face also became red. Adam placed their hand on Jonah's. They gave him a soft smile.

"Does this mean we're like... uhm.." Jonah tried to finish his sentence but was getting more embarrassed by continuing.

"No." Adam said in a sarcastic voice. Jonah looked hurt yet confused.

"Of course you idiot." Adam said while wrapping their arms around Jonah then pulled him into a hug. Both started to smile and laugh a bit.

"I love you man."

"Love you too Adam."

AN: omg you guys are spoiled 🫵🤠

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