Chapter 13

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Content warning: swearing and paranoia.

Jonah's P.O.V:

Why did I do that- I'm so fucking stupid! Why did I write a note!?

I feel like I just want to cripple in a hole all alone now. That was so stupid, stupid, stupid! I just want to scream right now.

By the time I made it to my car I was starting to accept what I just did. I sank into my seat in pure embarrassment while my face was red and hot.

I drove home with butterflies in my stomach, trying hard not to just melt into a puddle.

By the time I made it to my house I just ran in and fell onto the couch. I didn't even mind closing the front door, I just wanted to take a nap and get my mind off of what happened today.

I did feel hungry but by the time I knew it, I had already passed out.

Adam's P.O.V:

Jonah... you dork. I chuckled a bit. I've never thought he would get so cautious and specific with his words let alone write a note. I did kinda have a feeling, I just never really said anything in case I was wrong.

Jonah is the best thing that has happened to me, he was always there when I needed him, he's stayed with me for so long now. He has never let me down and I know he's not planning on anytime soon.

Even if he does try and annoy me the majority of the time, I wouldn't trade him for the world. Yeah, saying something like that is so cheesy but I guess it's true.

I just want to leave and go home. This place has given me some vibes that feel I've felt it ever since we came to this town but I've just been thinking it was my imagination, now it feels like it's not anymore. 

AN: Hehehehehfunnihomosexualshehehehehhe

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