Ending 2 pt.2

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Content warning: nothing just enjoy the gays. :]

[Once I get out of here in going back for you Jonah.. just please hang in there.] Adam's thoughts played over and over again like a broken record for days. The days turned into weeks and into months then finally three years passed.

Adam was let go from the actual jail they were moved to a week after they were arrested. Adam's hair didn't grow much during the time but it was still a bit noticeable. Even if they looked a little different they kept the general features and face shape.

Adam still had hope they could find Jonah, it was only three years but it was still enough for Adam to long for Jonah every day. Once Adam was free they visited their house on foot, but when they saw the house it was revealed that the landlord had kicked them out and was now letting other people the ability to rent it.

Adam didn't know what to do, they made their way to the last place they could think of. They didn't make it too far to snap out of how depret they were; they refused to check the motel.

Adam walked everywhere they could in Bythorne County. They followed some highways and rested wherever they could without getting caught.

[Great, now I'm homeless and Jonah's gone.... I've lost everything..]


[Adam.. where are you..] Jonah sat alone in the hospital bed. He began to cry hard, he was in the hospital for what felt like years but was around 8 months. His wound wasn't an easy patch up or shallow enough like Adam's. Once he began to relearn to do the simple everyday tasks again he was told he wouldn't need to go to prison so soon.

It would take a few years to be put on trial and a few more to actually receive a sentence. Since Jonah was unable to leave the hospital for a while he looked everywhere he could on the internet for any signs for Adam. He tried everything. Dating apps to Facebook groups but nothing.

Time passed and Jonah was let out and was put on medication for his wound. Jonah was able to get an apartment since he had enough cash leftover. He found a job that didn't require much physical work, finally he was able to get back up on his feet. Even still he kept hope on finding Adam again.


Adam was improving as well. They found a job to be able to afford a dingy apartment in Werksha County. There were no cheap apartments in Bythorn nor Mandela county.

Adam went out a lot, in hopes of running into Jonah. Months were flying by and both Adam and Jonah were getting more and more hopeless.

[I'm sorry Jonah, I should have sucked it up and waited until I was able to stay in Mandela with you..] Adam's eyes grew more sore every night.

A day like any other day Adam walked the town's streets. They found themselves on a path around the park. They stared into the stream that was sunk in the ground with weeds pushing out the edges.

Near this time it was autumn and it grew colder the longer Adam stayed outside but they didn't mind. They had a deep red scarf on, it wasn't new or anything but it did its job well.

Adam thought about their moments with Jonah, when they laughed together, and just hung out being idiots. A person stood next to Adam to also stare into the movements of the stream. Then the person decided to make conversation.

"So, what's your story? Stranger." The voice appeared to belong to a guy, not too old, fairly young but Adam didn't look up to see their face.

"Found someone, loved them for so long, now they're gone. I'm not sure if I can ever find them again" Adam spoke softly. They still continued to watch the stream.

"Ah... I've lost someone important to me too. We would joke around and laugh together. I now realize how much I've taken those moments for granted. But, I've never given up on finding them and I won't plan on, anytime." The stranger seemed determined and bright.

"I hope you find the person you're looking for." The stranger said before they began to take a sip of their coffee which startled Adam since they had not seen it.

"Yeah..thanks. You too." Adam felt awkward but still refused to look at the stranger for they might make eye contact and become more awkward.

"Well, it was nice talking to you stranger. Goodbye for now." They began walking off as Adam stood there. Then it finally hit them.

"Jonah?" Adam finally looked up at the direction the stranger was heading. The stranger's back was turned away from Adam but then they stopped in their tracks. They slowly turned around to face Adam.

What Adam hoped was to magically find Jonah so effortlessly. But unfortunately the stranger was another guy, he had light brown fluffy hair that was cut on the sides and brushed to the side. He wore a gray hoodie and had dark jeans on with black tennis shoes on.

"No? I-its mark." The stranger pointed to himself as he said that while his other hand was occupied by his coffee.

"Oh," Adam felt disappointed. They felt let down, now they felt a little worse than they were before.

"But that name does ring a bell..." Mark walked back up to Adam.

"I could help you find your friend if you'd like. I mean, I'm only visiting here because I had nothing better to do and the coffee is way better here than back in Mandela." Mark felt a little embarrassed to admit that he became ever so slightly red.

"Wait. Did you say Mandela? Do you live there?"

"Yeah, I mean I'm not in much of any rush to go back."

"No no.. I just mean.. That's the last place I saw him. I don't have a car or anything so I've never been able to look anywhere other than here and the suburbs near here."

"Oh wow how lucky of you then, would you like me to give you a ride there?" Mark suggested before taking another sip of his coffee.

"Yeah, please." Adam felt hope, they just knew Jonah would be there. Maybe he was waiting for Adam back in Mandela. Adam just had settled down in the wrong town.

"Alright then.. hey, I don't think I got your name."


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