Chapter 8

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Content warning: (very small but might as well) mentions of blood, cursing, mentions of the use of drugs (idk- :|)

After a few hours of resting Adam began to wake. His eyes slowly opened and he let out a yawn. He began to check his surroundings, he was alone in a hospital room. He couldn't remember anything that happened after he saw Jonah driving.

[My head.... What's going on?] Adam then saw the pouch of blood that was streaming into his arm.

[What.... Why do I need...] just then Adam heard a door open and someone walked in with their back turned carrying something. It was Jonah. Adams' eyes widened.

"Jonah!" Adam shouted. Turning around surprised, Jonah's face lit up at the sight of Adam being okay.

"Adam!" Jonah rushed over to the bedside.

"I thought you were going to die man, I was scared." Jonah sighed, his face now full of guilt and sadness.

"This is all my fault, you got hurt. I was a bad friend back there, I literally left you to die."

"Jonah, it's not your fault. I yelled at you and told you to leave. I was just so angry and I wasn't thinking. Don't blame yourself." Adam abjected. The two stared at each other before Jonah broke out into laughter. Adam soon followed. Both laughed hysterically for a good long minute.

"Getting serious now ""Mr.Murray""." Jonah teased.

"Says you!" Adam responded quickly. They both continued to chuckle together. They soon calmed down waiting for the other to say something.

"I brought takeout." Jonah said lifting the bag he was holding all this time.

"Your favorite." He continued giving a small wink. Adam gasped in excitement. Jonah grabbed a nearby desk and moved it next to Adam's bedside. He placed his food down and gave Adam his.

"How long do you think till I recover?" Adam questioned right before stuffing his face with food.

"I think I overheard the doctors say maybe a little over three weeks."

"Three weeks!" Adam said surprised, his face still filled with food.

"Well you did lose a large amount of blood so.." Jonah gave a worried look.

"D-don't worry though! I'll be here with you until we can leave this town and go back home." Jonah's attempt to cheer up Adam failed. Adam looked unsure.

"What about that lady? The one that called us to that stupid house."

"Never heard back from her, imagine she was an alternate all this time." Jonah said, raising his eyebrows. Adam just looked down, he was stumped.

"I don't know, maybe she was stoned." Jonah continued shrugging his shoulders. Silence began to creep between the two as they ate.

"I'm glad you came back." Adam said under his breath.

"Well I couldn't just leave your ass." "Then who was going to get off to get a pack for me at the store?"

"Very funny Jonah." Adam replied sarcastically.

The rest of the day the two talked and joked around as if everything was the same as before.

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