Chapter 1

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Content warning: swearing.

"Jonah.." Adam said with a shaky voice.

Oh how foolish he was for entering the basement.

Oh how foolish he was for going back in the house.

Oh what a fool he was for telling Jonah to leave him.

His foolishness will now become his legacy and he knew that. Adam tried to hold back tears because he knows that it wouldn't help get him out of this situation. The T.V in front of him was playing static and loud white noise.

Adam fell to the floor and sat down, pressing his knees against his chest and buried his face in them. He couldn't help it, it hurt him on how he hurt Jonah, his best friend that put up with him for so long and stuck by his side. Now he wasn't anymore. Adam began to sob, screaming for help even though no one could hear. There was still hope for him that maybe, just maybe, Jonah would come back.


"O̴p̴e̴n̴ y̴o̴u̴r̴ e̴y̴e̴s̴" a mysterious and inhuman voice repeated over and over again from the radio in the car Jonah was driving in. Jonah began driving faster and faster until he was over the speed limit.

"SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Jonah yelled but the voice continued to taunt him.

"Y̴o̴u̴ l̴e̴f̴t̴ h̴i̴m̴ t̴o̴ d̴i̴e̴. W̴h̴a̴t̴ w̴i̴l̴l̴ h̴e̴ e̴v̴e̴r̴ d̴o̴ w̴i̴t̴h̴o̴u̴t̴ y̴o̴u̴?"

Jonah knew Adam couldn't handle something like this without him, Jonah knew what he had to do even though he was completely aware of what could happen. He began to pull over to the side of the road to think about how much Adam owes him after this. He let out a harsh breath then began to put the car in reverse and made a U-turn heading back to save Adam.

"Dumbass, he owes me big time after this." Jonah mumbled to himself in a very peeved tone.

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