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*beep beep beep*

I was awaken by the annoying sound of my alarm. I looked around and realized I took a nap in my basement recording studio... again. I keep telling myself I won't do this but, hey, it's my house, my studio. The more I try to stop doing it, the better my naps are in here so, who cares? Before I get up, I get in one of those good stretches. You know, the ones that have your body shaking violently? I take a sip of my water and get back to writing lyrics for this song I have called "Love Lies". I've been struggling to get some lyrics for this damn song for a week straight, and at this point, I'm tired of it. But, label duties call.

As I am staring at my notebook I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I look at it to see it's the A&R executive from my label, Tim. I really don't want to hear from him right now and I hope it's nothing stupid or outrageous.

"Hey Tim, what's going on?"

"Hey Y/n, I'm doing all right. I'm sure you know why  I'm calling." Tim said, I just knew he had a smart ass look on his face.

"Yeah I do, song is coming along just fine," I lied like hell. "I'm just tweaking the lyrics right now. I'll have something for you soon."

"That's what you said the last time I called a few days ago. We need you to drop something Y/n. It's time."

"I would love to be finished but, like you said, you keep calling me." I said chuckling.

"Very funny Y/n, that's why you're my favorite artist right now." I rolled my eyes. "Listen, I have a surprise for you and I think you're gonna like it, since it sounds like you need a break."

"What's up?"

"Wait for a call from your manager, he has all the details. I just wanted to check on the progress of the song, which I think this should help with that so, be good kiddo."

"Not a problem Tim, thanks." I hung up. As much as Tim annoys me regarding the business of music, he always looks out for me as an artist so I can't really complain too much. Soon after I hang up, I try to start writing again, to no avail. Suddenly, I get a call from my manager Keith Powers. A great manager and friend to me. We came up from the bottom together and I have stuck with him since I first started in music.

"My man Keith! What's up bro, I heard you got a surprise for me."

"What's good Y/n? Yeah I do have a little something something for ya, I can't give too much away but what I can tell you is that you have to make an appearance tonight at Club Indigo. It's gonna be a great scene, you and a few other artists. The label really wants to see you mingle with other young stars and I think it'll be a great way for you to network. If all goes well, then I can officially tell you the surprise."

"Shiiidd you don't have to tell me twice. I think it'll be good to get out and relax. Can I bring Doja with me?"

"Yeah of course! It'll benefit both of you to be there. Just don't wild out and act crazy. I don't need to be putting out statements. Let's leave the scandals to Dababy, got it?" he says laughing.

"You got it man, thanks for the heads up! I'll check in with you later." We hang up after saying goodbye, and I text Doja telling her to prepare for the club tonight. She shoots me back an okay and then I get up to go find a fit. I check myself in the mirror, and head out the door to meet Doja.


At the club

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