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Omniscient POV

Thanksgiving Day 2024

Thanksgiving was finally upon the Y/l/n family and friends. Feelings of gratitude and love swirled the air, filling them with happiness and excitement as the day went on. Everyone woke up in a great mood, and ready to eat. But first, it was time to play some games.

When Sebastian first moved in with Y/n and Normani, he started a new tradition of playing football and soccer on Thanksgiving day with the family. This year, Y/n made sure to keep it up.
Since it was only Y/n, Sebastian, and Amala who were actually willing to play, they settled for rounds of catch and one on one soccer games.

While throwing the ball back and forth, out of nowhere someone came in and caught the ball mid air.

"Hey!" Sebastian laughed when he saw it was Amala who had intercepted the ball.

"Gotta be quicker than that!" She ran off with the ball and Bash chased her down. He caught up to her in no time and tapped the ball out of her hands.

"No you gotta be quicker than that!" he ran back towards his mom, who was floored watching the whole thing. She looked like a proud sports parent.

"Bash, where did you learn to do that?" she stopped him.

"On tv, when we watch the Ravens play! It's pretty easy."

"I see, you did it like you were a pro."

"Nahh, I'm just a kid mama. Plus, I used to play baseball remember?" he laughed and ran back to where he was originally standing.

"Oh yeah you did... do you still wanna play?"

"Can I really?" Bash threw the football to Y/n.

"If you want to. We can find a league for you here in the springtime." she caught it with one hand and threw it back.

"Yeah that would be cool!" Y/n smiled and they continued to play catch, Amala running interference throughout their time outside.

Eventually, Normani joined them outside to let Noah and Nyla run around so they could take a nap before dinner. They chased each other around for a bit and then Normani started to blow some bubbles to entice them as well. The girls had so much fun, giggling every time a balloon popped on their fingers or noses.

Once everyone was tuckered out from running around and playing, they all went inside to get some water and wash up. Y/n met Megan back downstairs to finish cooking the mac and cheese and start on the pies they were gonna make. Megan made sweet potato, Y/n made pumpkin, and they both made an apple one with the help of Sebastian.

As the day faded away, it was eventually dinner time. Amala and Sebastian set the dining room table, Megan and Y/n put the food out, and Normani changed the babies into clothes that she didn't mind them getting messy in. They gathered around the table, said grace, and went one by one saying what they were thankful for. Amala went first.

"I'm thankful for my wife, my best friend and her wife, and the rascals they call kids." everyone laughed at her joke.

"I'm thankful for everyone here of course, love, and being able to spend days like this with you guys." Megan added.

"I'm thankful for my parents, my teachers, my sisters and brother... oh, and my cool room!" Sebastian smiled as he finished.

"I'm thankful for food!" Noah said, slightly drooling over the spread in front of her.

"Me too!" Nyla agreed.

"I'm thankful for health, blessings, and all the good and bad times we've been through together. I wouldn't trade you all for the world." Normani smiled, she sent a wink towards Y/n causing her to blush like a school girl.

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