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December 24
Napa Valley Home

Vibrant orange sun rays slowly dance over the hills of Napa Valley as the sun rises for the day. Soft pillows of smoke rise from the chimney from the fire being put out late last night. The snow glistens in the slight warmth from the sun, freezing back over from the cold breeze. Only a few birds chirp, making their presence known and signaling the natural world to wake up.

This doesn't work inside though. Sunlight bursts into the window of Y/n and Normani's room, covering them in a blanket of warmth. Sheer curtains block out the harsh brightness from the rays, letting the two take full advantage of their slumber a bit longer. Their bodies remain gently entangled, careful of Normani's scar, with light snores filling the room.

As usual, Y/n is the first to wake up. Her eyes flutter open and shut almost immediately at the bright light coming in from the window. She reopens them a moment later when they adjust. It takes a moment to remember where she is, but she quickly does. Taking a look down at her wife, cutely snuggled onto her chest, she smiles. Normani's hands are still nestled under Y/n's shirt, quickly reminding of their playful battle last night regarding a certain someone's cold hands and feet.

She picked up her phone to check the time. It was only a little past 7:30, so she decided to get up, throw on more festive pajamas, and tend to the twins at 8 so Mani could sleep in. She stretched lightly to wake up her limbs before softly getting off the bed so she doesn't wake Mani and went right into the bathroom. After doing her morning routine and changing into the first set of Christmas pajamas Mani bought for them, she laid out Mani's PJs and went downstairs to warm a bottle for both babies.

The house was still quiet since everyone else was still asleep, so Y/n kept the noise to a minimum. She pulls out two bags of breastmilk her wife pumped yesterday from the fridge, and replaces them with ones from the freezer so they could thaw. After placing them in the warmer, she washes some bottles out and dries them off. Once they're done, she checks the temperature of the milk and takes both bottles upstairs to her babies.

"Nooahh!" she said in a singsong way. The older twin was already wide awake and moving around when Y/n leaned down to kiss her forehead. "There's my sweet girl. Already living up to your name huh?" she smiled at the baby. She picked her up after placing the other bottle down, and began feeding her.

Y/n swayed back and forth gently, smiling all the while as Noah kept her beautiful brown eyes on her mom. As she finished her bottle, Y/n burped her, changed her diaper, and changed her onesie since a bit of milk got on it. Noah remained awake, cooing every now and then as Y/n put her down to feed Nyla who was now awake.

"Right on time Ny." Nyla was still a bit sleepy when Y/n picked her up. She slow blinked herself awake as she finished her bottle. Y/n then changed her diaper and onesie before giving her a matching forehead kiss. "How was night three on earth? Not too bad right?" Nyla smiled at her mother's baby voice. "What about you, huh Noah?" Noah cooed back. Suddenly, the room lit up with a flash and Y/n turned around.

"Sorry, you just look so cute." Mani smiled from behind her phone, dressed in the matching pajamas Y/n laid out for her. She walked over to Noah's bassinet and picked her up, kissing her on the cheek. "Good morning baby girl." She then walked over to her wife and younger twin.

"Good morning my love." Y/n leaned down to kiss Normani's lips multiple times.

"Good morning baby. Good morning to you too Nyla." she leaned down to kiss her. "Thank you for letting me sleep in."

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