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It's been about five months since the talk we had with James and Sebastian back in July. James unfortunately passed away a few days before Halloween. It was a sad time for our family but, we adjusted and took some time to recover from the loss. Sebastian has been living with us since the beginning of August and he's been thriving.

When he moved in, James was going through a hard time physically and didn't want Bash seeing him like that anymore, so we agreed to bring him with us for the time being. We didn't have his room completely finished when he came, but we've been working to get to know him even more and found out some of his favorite interests and how he wanted his room to look.

Over the summer, Bash started stargazing with Noah and I. He fell in love with space and everything about it. When he started school in September, his second grade teacher told us they would be learning all about it this year in science class. That's when we knew to surprise him with a space themed room. It's been taking a while for some of the furniture to be finished since a lot of it was custom, but from what I've seen, Autumn really did her thing once again. Today, we're gonna be moving everything in while Bash is at school.

"Do you think he'll like it?" Mani asked as she watched the workers put in the custom shelves.

"I think he'll love it! He's been showing the girls all of his books he's been checking out from the library about space and stuff." I answered.

"I know, the other day when I was looking for Noah and Nyla to give them a bath, they were sitting on his lap while he was reading one of the books to them. It was the cutest thing." she smiled.

"See? We made the right choice! That reminds me, the stuff for the girls room is gonna get put together next."

"It came already?"

"Yup, all we have to do is tell them where to put everything. Then, Autumn and her team will come in and put up the decorations for both rooms."

"I can't believe they're being moved from cribs to beds already. It feels like they were just born yesterday." Normani pouted and I put my arms around her.

"They're still babies though Mani." I chuckled.

"I know, but they're not little babies anymore. They'll be two next month!" She gasped.

"Where did the time go?" I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Next thing you know, we'll have another little one running around behind them."

"Yeah that's true. Any day now huh?" Mani chuckled.

"The way we've been going at it? Wouldn't be surprised if you started throwing up tonight." the two laughed.

"That's one symptom I don't miss. It's like every time I'd eat something, it would come right back up. I was hungry for days."

"You were so strong though. I'll always admire you for that."

"And this time, no trips are being taken in my last few months of pregnancy. That was way too close of a call last time." Mani said more seriously.

"I'm way ahead of you. I was scared out of my mind when the pilot told me you were in labor. I don't ever want to be in that position again." I hugged her tightly.

"Good. Speaking of going at it," she cupped her hand to my ear and began to whisper. "meet me in the media room downstairs."

She bit my ear softly and kissed where she left a mark before leaving me shocked in the middle of Sebastian's work zone of a room. As Normani left out of the room, Autumn came in behind her.

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