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Sierra POV

Well the trial is officially over. We won! The man is going to jail. I was in therapy, and the medicine was working for me. I felt so much more energized and less anxious. I was in therapy, also. 

Even though I've made so much  progress, i still can't eat properly. 

To celebrate the win of the trial, we ordered pizza. I wanted to eat so much pizza, so badly, but i just couldn't. There was a voice screaming at me to not eat it, and to not eat in general. Would I listen to it?

 If Avery wasn't here, probably. For the past three months, anytime I've eaten food was because Avery gave it to me, and ate with me. I don't have the heart to reject her food, and I definitely don't want her to not eat. She needs to eat. If I can say this about her, why can't I apply this logic to myself. 

Apparently, I was just staring at my plate, so dad waved his hand in my face saying "Earth to Sierra." i shook out of my thoughts. He hugged me and asked how I was feeling. I smiled and replied "amazing."

I did feel good. The person that scared me was behind bars, and I was doing better mentally. So why did I feel so low. It was like a weight. It was a very small weight, but it was there. 

But right now, it didn't matter. All that matter was my family. 

We all went to the living room, and watched Disney movies for the rest of the night. It was perfect. 

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