making up

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Angie POV

Mike and I got into a huge fight. we started talking about my eating disorder. it slowly escalated, then it got out of control. we didn't mean to get loud, but we kept feeding out of each other's negativity energy, then we were yelling in the hallway. i know that avery heard us, and i feel terrible. she hates loud noises, especially yelling. i feel awful.

i left. mike was pissing me off, and to stop myself from saying something horrible, i left. i just drove around her city for a few hours. i left a little after 6, then came back around 10. i haven't calmed down completely, but i'm not as mad as i was. hopefully mike has calmed down.

i was a little nervous to walk into the house, but couldn't show it.

it was dead silent in the house.

i don't know what to do. do i find mike, george, or the kids?

i decided to find mike. i know his overbearingness comes from him caring, and i genuinely appreciate that, but i need space. i see why Sierra was so mad.

he was in Avery's room.

i knocked twice before walking in.


"hi mommy."

"hey angie."

"can we talk in a few?"

"yea, let me wrap this up."

"okay." i say, and go to our room.

he enters a few minutes later.

"i'm so sorry, mike. i know you were only pushing because you care. i just didn't want to hear that. i don't want to hear that my eating habits are bad, and that i need help. i know i do, i just don't want it. however, i don't want to fight with you about this, so i'm willing to take any advice you give me. i'm sorry."

he didn't say anything. he looked any shocked.

"wow. THE Angela Johnson apologized to me? what has this world come to?!"  he says smiling.

"oh stop." i can't help but smile too.

he pulls me in a for hug.

"i love you Angie, i really do. i love you with my entire heart. that's why i push so hard for you in this recovery. this is hurting you, so it's hurting me. i love you."

"i love you, too. and i'm willing to try therapy for this. just for you."

he smiles.

"thank you, babe."

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