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Sierra POV

i'm having trouble sleeping tonight. it's 10:30pm, dad still isn't home, and Ty isn't replying to my text. Mom is still saying everything is okay, but i can't buy it. i don't know how she is so calm.

i want to cut. i know i said i was done, but i'm so tempted right now. i need to talk to someone, but mom will try to reassure me that everything is okay in her calm "mom voice," but that's not what i need. i need someone to tell me what's going on.

i decided to go sit in the kitchen with George to calm down. he made me tea, and we talked about everything - well almost everything. i can talk about being touched, but not the actual violation. i'm not ready for it. thankfully, he doesn't push me.

"George, why is nobody telling me what happened to dad and Ty? they've been gone all day, and nobody has told me anything."

"well, they haven't given us any updates. the last thing Mr. Tylan told me was that they were going to confront everyone at the hospital."

"do you think they will get physical?"

"do you mean like fighting?"


"i want to say no, but this is unacceptable. i'm afraid i cannot say no confidently."

*time skip to 12:25am*

everyone has gone to bed now. mom decided to let me sleep in my own bed tonight. i can tell she don't want me to be alone, but i told her i wanted to be alone tonight.

i'm anxious, and i'm really wishing she told me no and made me sleep in her room. i don't want be alone right now.

i decided to call Ty.

to my surprise, he answers.

"Hey, Si! everything okay?"

"no. are you and dad okay?!"

"yea, we're good. why wouldn't we be?"

"because nobody could tell me where y'all were all day. i was really worried."

"oh, right. well, i was at the police station, and dad went down to the hospital, then his lawyers office.josh was arrested."

"so y'all didn't get arrested for assaulting him?"

"well... i went to the police station because i was gonna get violent if i went to the hospital. dad probably lost it, but he didn't mention it to me."

"okay, thank goodness."

"how you holding up? you know you can tell me anything."

"i'm okay. just was worried about y'all."

"well, i'm so happy that you trusted me enough to tell me what happened. i love you, Si."

" i love you, too, Ty."

"alright goodnight. please get some sleep."

"i'll try." i say, smiling to myself. and with that, he hung up.

i'm still too anxious and scared to sleep, so i out in cartoons to calm down.

after about a hour, i hear the front door. dad is home. i get out of bed and go downstairs to meet him.

"dad!" i say, and go to hug him.

"my baby! i'm so sorry i didn't know this happened to you." he says, hugging me.

"it's not your fault. i'm just happy you didn't get arrested."

"arrested?! why would i get arrested."

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