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Avery POV

Sierra left again. She explained that she needed to leave to get better, and that she didn't know how long she would be gone.

i want her back. i don't like when she leaves, but at least she explained it to me this time.

i love trinity! she's so cute, and i love playing with her.

Mommy and daddy are still going back and forth about her eating. He doesn't think she is eating enough, but she says to the opposite. I don't like it when this do this in front of me. It feels like when they did that to Sierra. I remember how mad she used to get, and how this made her not want to eat.

When mommy and daddy were arguing tonight, George stepped in.

"Mr. Mike, I believe it will be more efficient to take a more gentle approach with Ms. Angela's eating, especially in front of the children." He said, gesturing to me.

"You're right." Daddy says, sighing.

"Daddy, can I go upstairs?" I say. I want to be alone.

"Go ahead, baby." He says, sighing again.

I get up and go straight to my room. I don't know how to feel. On one hand, I'm happy that George stepped in. On the other, mommy and daddy keep fighting.

I wish Ty or Si were here with me.


Trinity is so cute! She's been trying to talk, but it's mostly just her making noises.

My birthday is coming up. All i really want is for Ty and Sierra to come back.

they've been gone for 2 months, and i hate it. i've been feeling better, and the medicine is working, and making me happy again. i feel a lot better, but i just wish my brother and sister was here.

"daddy, when is Sisi coming back?"

"we don't know yet, baby. but the doctors says she getting a lot better."

"but what was wrong with her? why did she have to leave? she said was sick, but she didn't seem sick."

"baby, sometimes people are sick on the inside, not the outside. like, how you feel sad. she was like that all the time, and was she felt isolated. she needed to go away to get better."

"okay." i think i understand.



sierra is refusing visitation right now. at first, i thought she was mad at us, but it turns out she's scared of Angie. she said that she felt like Angie's eating habits are triggering for her.

i knew it was a mistake to tell Sierra about Angie's eating disorder. now, sierra is scared of coming home, and even seeing us, because of this.

angie is taking this hard. she feels horrible, and blaming herself for Sierra wanting to be away.

i don't blame her. i know she only told sierra about her eating disorder so that Sierra didn't feel alone. still, i knew it was a bad idea. i'm conflicted, but i know that it's neither of their faults.

angie's eating is fluctuating. sometimes she eats normally, and sometimes she barely takes a bite. she's been experiencing side effects of not eating, but she's powering through them. Her nausea is really messing with her, and i've been doing most of the caretaking for Trinity, which i don't mind.

i love Trinity and being a dad to a baby once again. Being the sole caregiver of two young children is hard tho. I don't know what I would do without George.

After a week, Sierra agreed to letting us visit. Angie and I are going first, then we'll bring Avery next time, if Sierra gives us permission.

Sierra looks a lot healthier. She isn't dealthy sick looking, and seems happier.

We smiled and laughed the entire trip. To my delight, and suprise, she said she's ready to go home. Obviously, we can't take her today, but she wants us to talk to the hospital about having her released.

Angie is so happy to hear this. The guilt of her eating disorder possibly affecting her daughter was killing her.

Angie talked about nothing but positives in the car on the way home! She was talking about how seeing sierra get better and want to come home is inspiring her to take her disorder seriously. She refuses to be the reason sierra leaves again.

Angie went straight to the kids when we got home. She apologized to Avery for being absent these past few weeks and told her she was going to do better.

My family is slowly coming together again!

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