chapter 1

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This story is based off of a oneshots that I did and it's in my mha yanderexreader oneshots book.

Anyway enjoy~

(Ps: when I add the mother's/father's
It's plural in case you have two dad's or two mom's)

Also mentions of extreme poverty
Rest of the warnings are at the end of the description


You heard the distinct voices of frustration that belonged to both your parents who where currently arguing about things you didn't understand just yet.

You where still young, about 5years old and still clinging to your stuffy like a lifeline in the vast ocean.

And despite your young age you felt exactly as if you where about to drown in that ocean, hence the need for such a muscle aching grip on the poor stuffy.

All you could make out from the hushed argument was Bills, debt, money, who did this and who spent that.

Of course you knew they where in no place to spend things, seeing as you've had to skip on a meal or two this week due to low funds, your poor mother's/father's/mother and father's cheeks where so hollowed in that you feared for them.

But one line you caught was a shaky voice who mentioned you.

"Maybe we should take that offer and then y/n could live happily" one said and the other spoke up
"NO... We can't, y/n is still so young... We can't just give them up so easy"

You froze in place
The fear of being given away was what hit you most, not that they actually considered it.

"You're right they ARE young... That's why we can't let them suffer in this place"

You weren't up for hearing any further than that so you quickly tiptoed back to bed ignoring the peeled paint on the hallway walls.


~Earlier that day~

"Shota!" You shouted as you hugged the black haired male tightly and he hugged back just as tight, and if not, tighter.

"How have you been y/n" he asked politely
He was 2 years older than you leaving him at 7years old.
You met a few months back when your parents where trying to negotiate casino debt

Shota just so happened to be the casino owners son, and so  you two played in the halls every time they met up.

You both became fast friends last time you where here, and now you where back and playing with little toy horses and army men on the floor outside of the tall oak double doors engraved with an intricate flower design

As far as you knew Shota was a golden child
Not the kind that never got caught, but the kind that wasn't interested in being spoilt, so he never took a thing that his parents offered him, despite having so much fortune.

If you where him you buy yourself and entire ice cream parlor all for yourself and your childish imagination, and you where positive they would buy him one if he so much as thought of wanting one.

But you didn't envy him for it, because he didn't flaunt his power over his parents, and you appreciated that considering you've had the same mold stain on your wall entertain you for the last year and a half.

"I will never surrender to you Mr. Horse, army's charge!" You whispered yelled and he whispered back with a "so be it Sargent no feet" before a series of small explosions and sounds of plastic against plastic erupted from the corner you two where in

You two giggled at the toys as you pretended to be hit
"Run, save yourselves, it's to late waaaaa!" You dramatically said as you dropped your plastic soldier and fake cried .

"You where no match for the Mr. Horse bite" Shota said and you both bursted into a fit of giggles while dropping the toys to laugh.

The joyous time came to a stop as you heard a voice tell from inside the shut room

Shota covered your ears with his two hands cupped over them, but your eyes still intently watched the door.
You shook a little, not knowing what was going on and that unnerved you.

"It's okay, I'm right here... Okay best friend" Shota whispered reassuringly while patting your small head.

"Right... Best friend" you whispered and didn't hear anymore yelling after that as you both continued to play, but this time less spirited.


As you started to drift to sleep staring at the mold stain on your wall you couldn't help but wonder what made your parent so angry...
Maybe they really would get rid of you.

They wouldn't

They where good people.


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