chapter 12

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You didn't know what came over Shota the day before but after telling him you where going to move he ended up demanding you stay

You didn't listen and told him to leave your room in anger, and he did, but the look on his face is what terrified you most.

You didn't sleep that night so now here you where laying in bed blinded by the morning light that was to bright for your heavy lids to handle

You just couldn't sleep recalling that horrifying look on Shotas face, he looked like he was going to commit murder, and if not that then something worse if that existed.
All you knew was that he wanted blood, and you weren't sure what to think about that.

You sighed lightly before standing up and making your way out of your room.

You looked at the door next to yours and it was shut without a single sound to accompany the eerie silence it left

No snores
No mumbles or whispers

Just a defining silence, and sadly you hoped he wasn't in his room
Or at home in general.

Maybe if you just thought of anything else then you could feel better and hopefully apologize later.

Come to think of it you had no clue why he was still living here, he had enough money to buy his own house and car if he wanted.

There was an account for both of you that was started when you where little
His when he was born and yours when you moved in.

Accounts like that add up over time with money put into it as an interest that the give.

In other words if you both wanted you could start up a whole company each by yourselves with all the money and still have extra for a house and bills.

It's the perks of being in a rich family.

Come to think of it you never bothered to think of why your parents gave you to the Aizawas, you never knew beyond them losing alot of debt.
But who's idea was it in the first place.

It couldn't have been Shota... Could it have?

Alot of things weren't adding up to you, you weren't sure what to think about the events of your life, and the oddness that arrived with Shota.

He hasn't moved, he's protective of you, and above all the his parents didn't do much with you, you can't expect them to just take you from family and then only occasionally talk with you.

Come to think of it you haven't seen them while roaming the halls, you also haven't seen any maids which was odd for this large mansion.

Out of curiosity you made your way down to the kitchen, the whole way there was silent and your couldn't hear even the normal sound of footsteps besides your own.

"Hello" you said opening the kitchen door

You looked in to see that the stoves where off the dishes where untouched and above all not a single sound stood in the room.

You felt unnerved at the sight of an empty mansion and your heart slowly dropped as you looked around for just anyone at all.

You gulped down your worry and made your way to the Aizawas room after seeing the empty kitchen

Something wasn't right and you where going to asked them what was wrong.

You knocked on their door softly calling out to them in hopes they might answer.

You knew Mr Aizawa wasn't at work today and Mrs Aizawa never worked unless it was in the garden.

You knocked again after hearing nothing but got the same outcome as before.

So you decided to risk it and slowly open the door, and it creaked in the dead silence making you cringe at the awful sound.

"Hello" you quietly called and peaked your head through while scanning around.

You slowly walked in when you noticed how empty this room was as well.

You didn't know what to think of it and so you kept searching around for them

There was a grotesque sound that erupted from Mr Aizawas walk in closet that caused you to wonder what was happening in there

There was a quiet chuckle before the noises continued

You hesitated before putting your hands on the golden push down handles as you took a deep breath hoping you wouldn't find them doing "adult" actions in there.
I'll say when it's over with this (•=•)

You slowly opened the doors and it made no sound as the scene before was laid out

There Shota stood mumbling Incoherent words as he hovered over the body of his father that was coated in a crimson red.

The smell of iron intruded your nose in an unwelcome heap of bitterness and just when you thought it couldn't get worse Shota grabbed his father's head on both sides and placed one foot on his unmoving chest before tugging up

The first time caused a sickly crunch that erupted through the room

And the second tug had his father's hand pull clean off leaving the horrendous sight of his spinal cord to dangle from his fear molded face and rolled back eyes.

Blood poured from the neck area in heaps of disgusting metallic crimson puddles before Shota laughed maniacally and threw the head off to the side letting it roll off.

You gasped and held it the putrid vomit that raised up in your throat and you tried to look away only to see Mrs Aizawa.

That sight was just as bad as the last with her leg twisted horribly and mangled with bones protruding from the skin.

Her once glossy black hair was now soaked in crimson red and her face was splattered with blood, she lay flat on her stomach but her head was twisted around so far it lined up with her back and she was missing one of her pale arms.

You wanted to throw up at the smell and the look of the once kind beautiful people


You cried in agony at the sight and that caught the attention of the one and only cause of the disgusting sight.

Your eyes widened as he turned around with a wide unsettling smile that spread to far across his face

He turned around with bloody hands and knuckles while his face was speckled with the liquid crimson.

"Y/n~" he cooed sweetly to you as he stepped closer making you back up only to trip on your own feet before scooting away.

"Kitten stop crawling away from me, stop trying to leave me kitty" he laughed at the end sending a chill up your spine as a choked out cry for help sounded off in your throat as you backed away

"Shh shh shh don't worry, it was all necessary" he said and you panicked as he got alarmingly close to you

You tried to get up and run only to stumble and fall again as he grasped your ankle

"Hey stop trying to leave me" he said angrily as he pulled you close while you clawed at the itchy carpet floor that ruffed against your fingers failing to keep you from being pulled closer in his tight bruising grip.
All you could do was panic and writhe  away from him hopelessly as you grasped at air to escape his clutch
Your breath quickened and your heart raced and his low manic voice made it all the worse

"Here Kitty Kitty"

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