chapter 20

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I know this book is sloppy
It's not perfect but it's here and I like it
I hope you did too so enjoy the last chapter
I was planning on making it tragic but had nothing that would lead up to that so now it's this.



It was everywhere, in the trees in the cracks of places, in homes, even in water and especially in lungs.

We need air to live, among many other things, food, sleep, entertainment, and a key factor is others.

The mind has a point to where if it becomes to stressed or lonely it starts to change
It adapts
It makes it self change in ways others can't imagine unless they are in the very same predicament

But with less exposure to lonelyness and more to fear, it blocks things that make us shut down.

It makes us forget.

You wanted to forget the things that have happened over the past few months, none of it was ever in your plan, you didn't think fate would be such a pain yet here you where.

You woke up on soft yellow sheets to see a white spotted ceiling, and with a great deal of effort you adjusted your eyes to the bright light of the sun through the curtains.

Blinking a few times you looked around to notice the spot next to you empty
The room was littered with blankets and pillows in a wonky shape of a fort and there was a bowl of popcorn in the middle of the room and a few games pushed off to the side.

But no Shota.
No male with a stubbled beard and long black locks of hair and gorgeous grey eyes.

You slowly stepped out of the bed and went to the room next to the cluttered area you occupied.

Looking around you noticed that even the kitchen that Shota always stood in every morning was empty.

You walked around with a small smile remembering yesterday's events of fun and laughter.

You went to the bathroom but the door was wide open and no one was in there.

The house was empty not a soul to be seen around.

You walked to the window and noticed that the car was still there in the driveway, and there was no signs of Shota leaving besides an empty cubby whole by the door where the shoes go.

You looked up to notice a pink post it on the door and curiosity peaked your interest.

What if it was a trap however, what if he was waiting for you to grab it so he could blame you for trying to leave.

You decided to risk it and slowly went over and read the words written across it.

There was a small splotch of dried liquid that you assumed was a tear drop next to the neat words written in black ink.

Dear kitten

This is were we part, I've left for good, and I won't be back, it's safe for you this way, I'm glad we got along one last time.
You were right
It is too late, so-

You flipped the note around to read more words already sad and eager for the end

Go on, be free, be you
And know that I will always love you.
Because of that I have to let you go, I'm sorry

                       Love Sho~

This was it...

He was gone

You couldn't believe your eyes or your luck but he was gone and he was letting you free

You wanted to say the note was a trap but your gut told you otherwise.

Then it his you like a ton of bricks

He's gone

Shota your kidnapper is gone
And he took your best friend with him

You weren't sure how to feel but you knew in gor heart that pain was there

Loneliness hit you and he hasn't been gone that long
It was probably the realization that he was gone off with your heart and your good memories, the sweet care he had went too
The late nights of comfort
The bright days of fun
The mischievous banter


On the other hand you were free.

You sighed

What should you do.

What now.

For starters

Get up and go

"One step after the other" as Shota used to say.

One at a time

And then lift off


1 year later

Aizawa pov~

They looked sweet with their hair moving along side them, their friends gathered around their side and hugged them one by one.

The friends they made on their own.

Should I be jealous, or proud.

I was both so I guess it didn't matter.

They were headed off, straight to another country and I have to stay behind, watching over them for the past year was supposed to be enough but now I can't help but want to take them again

Maybe one day they would forgive me and we could be together but now was definitely not the time.

They missed me so that helped a little with this lonely feeling.

But now it's time to let them be alone truly

I watched from the shopping area above the waiting departure area where they where being seen off into the plane.

If life replays when I die... I hope I can restart with them and make it better.

I watched as they slowly dissapeared from my view with a tear running down one cheek. I don't know if I can handle this anymore

But it was good while I had them

"Bye bye... Kitten"

Okay worst ending I get it

But I hope you enjoyed

I liked writing this even if it got kind of sloppy but that's how all my works are


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