chapter 4

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I forgot to warn you of the violence and only SLIGHT profanity in this, it's not often but it will be there in some chapters.


14 years old

It should be an age to celebrate but for you it meant acne, and skin care and constant worry about who you would date.

Sometimes you would be calm about it but other times you would just imagine.

And to your own dismay you where imagining something you shouldn't be... Or don't think your should be.

The image of long locks and sweet black eyes, the sight of that smile and the small stubble.

When his hair is pulled up in a bun or when he gives you a kiss goodnight on your forehead.

You weren't sure if you where allowed to imagine it.
He's not your brother by law, the Aizawas had guardianship over you but they weren't registered as your parents or family members for that matter and you didn't see him as a brother at all. The only question is... Did Shota see you as a sibling himself... Or as just a best friend.

You where left to question alot of things growing up.
Like why haven't your parents come back.
Why is Sho so protective
Why do you feels so grateful to a man and woman who bargained you away from your parents
What did you do to deserve the luxurious life you live now.

But above all of these questions and insecurities you have the biggest one you ask yourself is

What is Shota to you?

While you where lost in thought you heard the tunnel slide ,leading into your room from Shotas, echo with added weight.

Out poped 16 year old Shota as he stood there in a suit and tie with fancy shoes on and his hair tied in a bun

"What do you think" he asked as you sat up to see his well cleaned self and the little stubble of black hair that was trimmed to be even.

"Wow Sho, you clean up... Really well" you said in amazement and he let out one of his deep chuckles

"Well th-thank you" he said coughing to get rid of a voice crack

"Stuck on those Th's still?" You asked and he rolled his eyes before going to take a seat next to you on your bed

"Yeah... Stuck on cleaning that" he said while flicking a pimple right on the top of your forehead

"Easy for you to say, you eat like a pig getting grease all over your face and you don't get them, what sorta voodoo witchcraft do you do, where's the black cat at hmm?!" You said turning your head around and covering it with your hand

He laughed louder before turning your head and taking your hand off of it and giving your forehead a deep peck.

"There, better now?" He laughed and you just nodded while hiding your slight blush

"Y/n?" He asked and you looked at him in those shimmering black orbs of his

"Are you okay, your all red" he whispered and you blushed more at his raspy but gentle tone "your not sick are you?"

You shook your head no finally pulling out of the trance he set on you and he sighed in relief

"Good, we gotta get ready for your party tonight, not every day you turn 14 you know" he said and climbed up the slide with a slight smile of his that always showed too much teeth.

You smiled back as he was up the slide and frowned when the clomp of his nice shoes where gone from the plastic tube.

"Yeah... It not every day that alot of things happen for people... Like falling for a best friend" you sighed and went to the closet to get a nice outfit on.

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