chapter 11

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It's been two whole months since your partner committed suicide.

Sure it stung, hell it almost crushed you but you wouldn't let it, but you did let the overwhelming guilt trap you in it's grimy clutches of doom.

You used them plain and simple. They where your escape from your real emotions and that is unforgivable, and by your standards the lowest you can get.

You laid in your bed stareing at the ceiling ready to explode into tears any minute now, and you still couldn't wrap your head around the events of your graduation day.

But one thing did help.

Shota, he was there for you every step, every turn and every plummeting dark drop of the way.

Call it selfish if you want but you couldn't bring yourself to miss the touch of Shoto's/Momo's embrace when Shota held you so close every now and then.

And that squashed you further in guilts hold, nearly suffocating your pained mind.

"Knock knock" a gentle voice responded from the slide in your room

You didn't answer but Shota still followed afterwards with a bag of your favorite snack in hand.


"Hey kitten, how's it hanging" he asked and you turned your head to look at him

"I'm not the one who was hanging" you mumbled darkly while turning to the side to look away from him

"Isn't it to soon for jokes like that" he asked gently while walking up to you and sitting down on the bed where you were curled up

"Wasn't it to soon for them to die" you sighed out and he grumbled out incoherent words before flicking your head

"Ow" you exclaimed and rubbed the back of your head right above your neck where he clicked you

"I know your grieving, and I know it hurts to lose people you love, but you can't stay like this forever" he sighed and you stayed silent before rolling over and letting your face rest on his leg where he couldn't see you

"Kitten you really are a mess" he said as he started to stroke your hair gently running his fingers through the unbrushed knots

"Yeah, I know" you whispered before he lifted you up much to your surprise and set you in his lap while hugging you close.

"Let's watch a movie" he said pulling out the remote from your nightstand and turning on your tv

"But why" you asked and he didn't respond beyond a simple "because" as he wrapped you both in a blanket and leaned against the headboard with you resting on his chest

"Fine" you mumbled feeling better with his arms around you and his heart beat against your ear making you calm


It was 20 minutes into the movie when you spoke again.

Shota had his hands trailing through your hair and his other hand held you close by the waist while you just lay there letting your he'd rest on his shoulder.

"Sho... I've been thinking" you said and he stopped petting your hair

"What are you thinking kitten?" He asked you and you shifted uncomfortably wondering if you should tell him

It might hurt him, what's more, break him, but you would rather tell him now than the day before or the day of.

"I... Put alot of thought into it. And I realized it would be best for me... I'm moving" you said and he went wide eyed before he relaxed again

"That's odd, but good for you, where in the city is it?" He asked and you tensed up

This was the hard part
This was the part that had you quaking in sadness
But what's best is best, and you just can't stay here anymore

"It's not this city" you replied and he chuckled

"Okay then which city is it kona district, or is it in the Takao Plaza district?" He asked and you took a shaky deep breath in

Those where city's close by, maybe a half hour away if that.

But that wasn't where you were moving
Because the further the better

"No... Sho I'm moving... I'm moving to Europe" you replied hesitantly not able to look him in the eye as you picked at your nails.

He laughed vigorously at that, he laughed so hard you swore he would choke on air if he didn't stop

"Come on" he chuckled out a few more times before asking again "really, is it Takao Plaza or no?" He asked ruffling your (h/c) hair back and forth

"Sho... I'm serious" you said quietly and his hand stopped, and slowly it slid off your head as if the realization took long for it to hit him

You were to nervous to look into his eyes, especially when he spoke again

"You weren't joking... Y/n that's 2 days if not 3 days away by car you can't seriously be moving there" he said and you fidgeted in place

"I am" you said and he tightened his hold on you pulling you closer

"No" he said and your eyes went wide

Finally you mustered up the courage to look at him only to notice a dark glint in his eyes.
They didn't shine with amusement or adoration like they normally did
Instead it was malice and a dark, cold, petrification on you.

You sat there frozen as his arms grip got tighter by the second squashing you close to his chest

"Sho, I have to get out of this city... And I have to do it soon, so I leave next week" you said hoping to change his mood to something agreeable

"I said no, your not moving that far away, Infact now...

I don't think I can let you move at all"

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