chapter 5

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WARNING: underage drinking, sorry if you would never participate in this but you will in this book


For a fifteen year old you sure knew how to party, sure you thought what's the little bit of harm in being reckless about you life decisions and going to a party that you best friend, crush, and person you live with, has Absolutely No clue about.

You wouldn't lie you did start to develop somewhat of a crush on Todoroki after awhile but that went away when you realized that's never what he was after and likely wouldn't be for a long time so you where stuck with your overbearing emotions for Shota

UA was an interesting school however, new friends, none that compared to Sho however, new things to learn, and even a very inclusive amount of people
Of course there where people who had their ups and downs every now and then, but for the most part everyone was welcoming no matter the standing

Except for Monama, and Bakugou, they were not fans of people at all.

But still teenagers where teenagers, therefore a big party at someone else's house where there's more than a few classes attending, there's bound to be drinks.

Denki got pushy with you and Mina convinced you to try it just for tonight.

That lead from one
To the other
To the next
To you being drunk by the fifth... Sixth cup maybe

Eh who was keeping count anyway, certainly not you.

And by the middle of the night you where piss drunk


Aizawas View~

He scaled through the crowd searching for the tell tale h/c hair and favorite t-shirt/hoodie you would never get rid of until you outgrew it by alot more than necessary

His eyes where serious and he was Not happy

So many people here. So many possible obstacles that could take you and his hard work away

"Yo what up, Aizawa my best buddy" a blonde shouted from behind him and held an arm around his shoulder before the black haired male could protest

Aizawa simply gave him a glare at the side like a silent brute, without saying a word

"Oh I get it, little lover is lost in the crowd" Yamada said before clicking his tongue

"No worries man I got ya" he said and pointed to a door at the end of the large room that was closed.

"You're welcome" Hizashi said as he walked off to the dj stand and changed the song.

Shota stuck close to the wall and quickly slid his way to the door opening it up only to see it was a decent sized storage closet with only a few boxes in place.

He closed it behind him and turned the light on before looking around for you only to hear the sounds of crying.

He followed it curiously and saw you behind some boxes labeled (old) half curled up while leaning against a piece of the wall and an empty cup sat next to you.

"Y/n" he said and you looked up at him with teary eyes and red cheeks while the tears stuck to your skin like glue on paper.

"Sho?" You asked slurred as he leaned down to look at you

"Yeah... Are you drunk!?" He asked with realization as he smelled the alcohol all over your breath

You laughed a little and looked at your empty cup
"Maybe, because if your at a party then I'm hallucinating" you said and he shook his head

"It's morning" he said with a sigh and you stumbled up

"Ah shit your- your parents are probably going crazy- righ-t now" you slurred out and he chuckled

"I'm kidding, I just thought you would be here" he said and you huffed at him while he quickly helped you walk in worry

"You... Dick" you muttered out and he rolled his eyes

"Let's get you home" he said and immediately lifted you up to rest on his hip with your legs around his waist

"Sho... I love you" you said and he stopped his way to the door before brushing it off

"Love you too... My only" he whispered the last part and was glad you didn't hear it as you where already asleep and drooling on his shirt.

"That didn't take too long" he said giving your forehead a kiss.

Your view~

You cracked open your eyes to see Shotas sleeping face in front of yours, while he slightly snored next to you with his arms wrapped around you and yours around him. 

You watched the way his lips stayed parted and a few strands of his hair fell on his forehead while his chest moved back and forth against your own chest.

It was a sweet sight, one you had grown used to after awhile but still loved seeing.

It was like a routine now, you two almost always slept in the same room, this started that one faithful day in fourth grade where Shota cried in your arms for hours when he got home

He felt so guilty but said the only thing that would make it better was you, and you had never felt more needed in that moment.

He ended up falling asleep while you held him and so did you, from then on it was just natural to sleep like this

You only slept separately when you had late night school work and study's to do.

You often traded off rooms but his closet was some sort of out of bounds area, he really didn't like when you tried to go in there, so you leave it alone for his privacy.

"You're stareing really hard" you heard the familiar morning voice of the man next to you

You got so lost in thought you didn't notice he stopped his quiet snoring which is his normal indicator for being asleep.

"Sorry Sho" you said focusing back to his still closed eyes

"Hm yeah you should be, you made me look for you at a party at 1 in the morning" he said and you laughed a little

"Yeah... Sorry about that too" you said and a light huge of red covered your face when you remembered most of the things you said

"So... Do you remember why you where crying?" He asked and opened his tired eyes to look at you

You where hesitant to answer that but you sighed

"Because I wanted you" you admitted hesitantly

'i still want my boyfriend'

His eyes went wide and he almost looked happy but he wiped that away before pulling you closer

"Why didn't you just call me then" he said and you blushed in embarrassment

"I forgot how to work the phone" you said quietly shrinking into his chest

But you where glad you get stupid when your drunk, otherwise you could have picked up that phone and told him all about your feelings for him

He shook his head and nuzzled into your hair before sighing

"You owe me and entire nap day now" he said and you chuckled

"No complaints here"

You learned yet another bit of information that day

1. Shota always has your back

2. He somehow knew where you where despite not telling him or giving him any hints of where you where going


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