chapter 2

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If lungs where balloons, yours would pop any minute.
You where holding your breath for nearly the whole car ride and wondering what was going to happen to you.

You where afraid that this afternoon would be the worst of your life, and you didn't know if you could handle it well, or even at all.

Your bags where packed early that morning, just the one, it held your favorite stuffy and the only clothing you owned that fit you.

You where put in your "nice clothes" that you wore to special events, your parent bought it at a hand-me-down store for extra cheap, just for this occasion, and you didn't like how itchy it was, which made you want your doll as something soothing.

But now your eyes where dead set on the front and your breath was so caught in your lungs that you had to take a deep quiet breath before you turned blue in the face.

"So... Where am I staying for "awhile" you said quoting your parents words on the last word of your sentence

"It's a surprise,can't tell you that or you won't be surprised" your mom/dad said with a laugh from their passenger seat.

This eased your nerves hearing their soothing laugh and you where more excited to hear that it was a surprise.

Maybe you would get to stay with your Aunty and Uncle and their kid
Or maybe with your grandma and grandpa.

You silently hoped it was one of those options as you hummed in the back seat.


It's not what you hoped
It's not what you expected
But it's not something you wouldn't want.

Here you sat in the back seat with a short person window view of a large iron gate with a large fancy A on the front of it.

You gazed in wonder at the hill that lead to currently small looking house on a hill.

But the moment the gates opened you gasped as you saw different fountains and plants that lined the white brick pathway up the hill.

"It's like the Wizard Of Oz" you said quoting the popular movie you once got to see

"Yeah... It kind of is isn't it" your mom/dad said from the driver's seat

It was hard to tell what they where feeling
One was always so vague and didn't show alot of emotion, but they showed just enough
The other was like a wallet made of that shiny see through plastic, you could see all the emotion they had on the inside

But at this moment you weren't sure what they both felt
Because for once, neither let a single emotion slip.


The ride up the hill made you anxious as you saw just how big that house really was.

It was tall and wide, with so many windows you wondered if there was enough glass left in the world.

"You like the view?" Your mom/dad said as they unbuckled their passenger belt and cracked the door

You nodded but got distracted by the large oak door being cracked open as you started to leave the car

Their was a large fountain I the middle o all that white brick road and it had a modern look to it but it also had a few swans spiting water lined up back to back, and their necks stretched so far that their heads touched so that the water could shoot up and then curve down in three constant streams

You looked back to the door as you slid out of your booster seat and hopped out of the car

By then the door was full open and out came three people you never expected to see

One was a man in a crisp tux, you recognized him from a mile away for who he was

Next was a woman with wavy black hair in a purple dress that went to above her knees

The last was someone you've never been happier to see

"Shota!!" You called as they lined up in front of you

You looked to your mom/dad who just got out of the passenger seat like you where asking to run off

They hesitantly nodded and your smile practically made your face fall off as you dashed towards Shota and hugged him tighter than a boa constrictor would it's prey.

"Y/n" he said as he wrapped his arms around you too.
From beside you their was an exited squeal from probably the woman in the purple dress.

"Oh this is so wonderful, look at you your so adorable" the woman said as she looked at you like a dog she was buying from the pet store.

As you where preoccupied with the woman who was now squishing your cheeks your mom/dad handed over a white paper to Shotas dad, who looked very pleased with such a simple slip of paper.

The man held out a hand for your mom/dad to shake and they took it very hesitantly before leaving to the car.

You other parent stayed behind and gave you a quick and very tight hug

"Stay strong" they whispered and turned around

"Now, let's go inside" the woman said as some maid came and took your suit case

"Come on y/n, I'll hold your hand on the way there" Shota said as he clutched your hand and you held his back.

But for as long as you could see the car you didn't look back, only stareing at the shadows of your parents heads and a few seats as they drove off leaving you behind.

That day you learned 2 hard lessons.

Never trust that someone will come back for you, just because they said they will

And two if they don't want you, they don't deserve you.


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