chapter 8

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This is where things start to get a little off putting


Ps. I'll try to put a little more effort into his chapter so sorry if it sucks


It was a year since Shota started his classes, he left early and got home late, and even then he had to do work, he even got a small side job to start saving his own money, despite getting an allowance from his parents still, and it took up alot of his time, not to mention energy.

He still tried to stop and say hi to you once in awhile to show he really cared but you made sure most of the nights he needed he was getting rest.

You wouldn't deny you started to feel lonely, like your heart had a piece knocked out of it leaving you to feel bored with most of your time.

You tried to fill most of your time with school work and social media, sometimes you tried to find interesting hobbies but those didn't work to well.

The fact of the matter is, you where so used to having your best friend by your side, you didn't know what to do without him.

This made you feel like a lost child when you walked around the mansion just to find something to do.

So today you decided to try something new something you normally didn't think of unless you where at school.

You invited Todoroki/Momo (chose based off of your preference of gender in a relationship) to go to a cafe with you, and to your surprise they said yes.

You didn't like them as anymore than a friend but the harsh reality hit you a few months after the trip with Shota.

You and Shota won't be a couple, it may not be the one outcome you hoped for or even the harsh realization your mind wanted to conclude.
But you where absolutely positive it wouldn't happen, and because of that you needed to force yourself to focus on another person, and if that made you selfish then so be it, as guilty as you felt for it you decided you'd never know until you tried to like her/him.


You sat awkwardly waiting for Shoto/Momo to arrive at the cafe and picked at your nails while you waited.

You awkwardly squirmed everytime the waitress asked if you were ready to order and you honestly wished she would wait a minute for them to arrive like you said they would.

You felt anxious, to you it almost felt like you were betraying Shota, like it would burn you the moment you gain feelings for someone besides him.

But you knew you had to stop clinging to him so harshly, it was time you grew up and became a person on your own. That didn't mean he wasn't your best friend because he would always be that for you, but you needed to know you could do this whole life thing using your own legs and not someone else's the whole way.

You looked up from the table and to your surprise you saw Momo/Todoroki walk in even though it was five minutes earlier than agreed.

"Sorry if you were waiting for a while" they said as they took a seat across from you.

You nodded to him/her with an awkward smile and you asked them if they had been here before

Their response was a simple no but you wouldn't let that get your spirits down, you just had to try harder to make conversation, and even though it felt like the bitter silence was swallowing you entirely you gulped down the awkward air and forced a topic to arise.

"So...what's your favorite place around here?" You asked and his/her head perked up


He tilted his head a little while thinking about it before his blank expression turned a little softer

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