chapter 10

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Warning: this contains thoughts that may unsettle some readers
Mainly talk of innocence and virginity so if this makes you uncomfortable I apologize

As well as mentions of "suicide" you'll understand the quotes later


This was it.

Shota was almost out of school, and you were almost graduated from high school at 18 years old.

You felt accomplished with yourself as you neared two weeks until your end of school year.

You jumped for joy and squirmed in anticipation as you and your boyfriend/girlfriend Shoto/Momo looked at both of your new graduation gowns together.

"I can't wait to ware this" you said and spun around in a circle while in the wheely chair of your room.

"Neither can I, I'm quite excited for graduation day" your partner said while holding up the gown they were supposed to wear

"Yeah it's going to be the biggest event of our lives" you said happily and they smiled from the other side of the room

"I wouldn't say biggest, I think moving in together will be even bigger" they said and your eyes went wide in realization
You had plans to move to a sweet little apartment condo near the city area and you smiled at the thought.

But the same feeling you always felt with them rose up... Dread and guilt.

Dread because you didn't want to leave behind your life now, change was bound to happen but the reality of it actually happening always hit you like a bus with six wheels and horse power to make it faster and hit harder.

Guilt because, you didn't think you where ready for the promise you made, not because you didn't want to move out and live with a loving partner, but because after a full year you still couldn't see them as the person you truly wanted

And that was Shota. It was Always Shota. The one person you couldn't have.

But even so you forced a smile and you made it damn well believable because this was your only chance at not dying alone at 80 with 5 cats and a pet lizard, while feeding birds in the park like a lonely old elderly.

"I can't wait babe" you said with joyous laughter as you dashed over to hug them.

You felt miserable when you didn't feel that delightful tingle Shota gave you, but you knew they felt that with you, and they trusted you so much it made you hurt, using them like this.

"Me too" they said wrapping their arms around you.

Suddenly a loud knock was heard at the door and you both perked up to it

"Yeah!" You called and the door opened to reveal a a tired Shota who had currently grown a stubbled goatee and who's hair now reached past his shoulders at 20 years old.

"I came to check on you" he said before glancing over at your partner

"Oh, hey Shoto/Momo" he said blandly and far less enthusiastic than when he was talking to you

He saw the way your arms where wrapped around them and that made you shy away slowly

"Hey Sho! Glad your back from work" you said and ran to hug him

Little did you notice that once your face was buried in his chest/neck (depending on height) his smile dissapeared and a glare focused on your partner who sat awkwardly on the bed.

They glared back slightly but where still no match for the dark haired male.

You let go of him and his face was right back to a smile within the flick of a wrist and he struck up conversation.

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