chapter 15

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WARNING: it gets a little
No sex
Just a little spicy so I will tell you when that way you can skip if you want.
I'll mark it with this (///0///0///)

"Kitten, is there anything you want to do today before I start work tomorrow?" Shota asked and you shook your head refusing to talk to him

It's been like that for a week now, he apparently has to star a new job tomorrow until he's given his parents will and money

He was somehow able to blame the case on a crazed maid that was eventually sent to a mental psych ward.

Apparently you went missing that morning and the cops assumed she killed you and they just haven't found your body yet.

So that meant you only had a few months of him being gone and at work in order to pay for food, gas, and bills, as well as spoil you Wich is something you weren't looking forward to.

"Kitty... You need to talk at some point, it's going to hurt your voice when you do try again" he said and you just shrugged from your spot on the couch

You sat on the farthest cushion from him and you could tell that hurt him, but you were so riled up with resentment for what he did that you didn't care.

"Fine, you'll talk eventually, but until then let's watch our favorite show okay" he said as he tugged you close making you yelp and lean away from him as he grabbed the remote

You didn't fully back away scared that he would do something drastic, you may not have felt it first hand before you came here but you've witnessed his low patience when things start to annoy him and that's not something you where willing to test.

He clicked on the show and you both watched as he pulled you to be closer to him, you weren't sure if it was habit or if it was the care you still held for him but you eventually leaned into him as he soothed his hand up and down your arm

Soon after your tired body responded to the ounce of comfort that was given to you like a sweet melatonin, and your eyes drifted shut.

Aizawa pov~

"Kitten?" I asked as I felt their body get heavier beside me and they leaned into me with a relaxed sigh

I looked down to see their eyes shut gently and their face got even cuter than they already are if that where possible.

"My little kitty" I sighed combing my hands through their hair that I loved so much, and I slowly traced any and all marks on their face (if you don't have any then it's your jawline)

I sighed in content never feeling more happy than I am now, having them all to myself
Away from all those disgusting and foolish people in the world
The only one I will ever love is Y/n
And maybe any kids we have/adopt in the near future, I can't wait to be married to them but I have to wait
After all we are just beginning to date

It's only been a week since we moved in together.

I won't let you leave my kitty

Your mine and only mine.

That is why I bought you after all

"I bought you" I whispered quietly into your sleeping ear knowing you can't hear me "I wouldn't say I own you, your too perfect to be owned
But I love how I'm now the only person you can love... So in a sense I do own you, I own your love, I own all the memories you have of us, and I own the very foundation you were raised upon, because you where raised to love me... That was the plan all along my kitten~"


Your pov:

Your head felt foggy as you slowly raised yourself upwards from the couch wondering where exactly you where.

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