chapter 19

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You honestly couldn't believe the audacity Shota would have to tear away the freedom you ran away for.

You where angry at him and frustrated with yourself, sad that it ended up how it is, and most of all, just tired

Tired of not knowing what could of happened if none of this happened
Tired of not knowing what will happen

Shota was around you alot, he would sometimes pull you into a living room and hold you there for hours without a word before sending you back to this dim room.

You weren't sure how you would get away this time and not get caught

He had this place and you locked down tightly, you weren't even allowed to use the bathroom without him right outside the door and that unsettled you

He went to new lengths of possessive, compared to before at least, if you so much as asked to have the tight chains let off he would freak out and ask you a million questions with him always assuming you want to leave

Not that you didn't but the reason you asked was only because the chains where so tight around your wrists that it dug into your skin, like blades.

Maybe you could risk something but you didn't know how to get out of the chains in the first place.

"This could all be solved if you just never ran" he said and you sighed with a bitter undertone

"What, like you kidnapping me wasn't the problem" you growled and he took in a harsh and annoyed breath before sliding down next to you.

You didn't react to it you just sat in silence with awkwardness hanging heavily around you both.

"You really don't get it do you" he said and you huffed

"I do get it, I get that your insane, I get that you killed people and took me, I also get that you didn't give me a choice in marriage, as well as you tracking me down after I left just fo chain me up again" you said not giving him the honor of eye contact.

"I did it for US now enough of this... Your starting to make me mad and I don't want to do something brash" he said and you turned your body away from him as if it was an insult

"Then get out if you don't want to hear the truth" you said

Your comment was followed by a series of unfinished words then a deep growl before Shota stood up with a huff

"Fine, be like that, but there are consequences" he said and you didn't answer so he turned around and left, shutting the door behind him.

You were left to silence in the room and with a sigh you relaxed before letting your thoughts wander off in order to keep yourself entertained.


It was like a cell, technically it was but for now you didn't want to think of it as that yet. But that didn't mean it wasn't like one.

With your had against the concrete brick you hummed a small tune to pass time often saying the words to it.

"Who's sorry now..." You hummed out not caring how it sounded, good or bad it didn't matter to you, as long as it kept you entertained

You where positive you heard the song when you and Shota took a trip to America, somewhere in a grapevine barn for a wine tasting his parents stopped by.

It was a country song that somehow stuck in your head, it was catchy but clearly old.

"Right to the end, just like a friend... I tried to warn you somehow~"

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