chapter 7

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Quick note

If any of you would like to read it I have a Oneshot of MHA
If you'd like to read it (or my other books) click the three lines then my profile pic (or name) and it should bring you to my page

Love y'all

Ps. I got a little lazy with this so sorry TnT


The sweet smell of fresh baked and buttered bread hit your nose as you walked out of the bathroom of your inn room.

There you saw a service tray with a delicious breakfast laid out for two people to eat and your eyes lit up as soon as your stomach realized how hungry it was.

"Come eat kitten" Shota said as he stretched his arms up high and cracked his back a little before letting them fall with a satisfied groan.

You chuckled at his actions and he looked at you curiously as he grabbed his plate

"What?" He asked and you went to grab your plate
"I can tell your getting old, that was a dad groan" you said and he raised a brow
"Not a dad yet" he said before putting a piece of food in his mouth

"Yeah, not yet" you said and started to eat too, only the thought of Shota having a kid with anyone but you made you sad.

Of course it was WAYYY to early to think about kids (adoption if you can't have your own kids) or even marriage.

As a matter of fact you weren't sure you should think of him this way at all, but you wouldn't let one little though ruin your time here with him.

"Hey, there's a fireworks show tonight, let's go" he said and you smiled and nodded vigorously excited about seeing fireworks

Maybe you could find a great spot close to them where you two could still talk over them.

"Hey..." He said and you looked up to see him looking down at his plate and you saw a thoughtful look

"Yeah sho?" You said urging him on and showing that you where paying attention

He thought for a minute before shaking his head in a final decision

"Nevermind" he said and took another bite of food

You watched him for a moment before going back to your own food.


There where a million people, it was like a crowded sea that covered the streets and you had a hard time keeping up with Shota and his fast pace.

"Wait up sho" you said and he just smirked at you from over his shoulder before going slightly faster making you run after him and clutch his hand to slow him down

"No going off without me" you scolded him and he nodded with an amused smile.

You smiled too and you locked hands with him, for a moment you swore he was going to entwine your fingers , but he never did, only keeping your palms together.

"So where are you taking us" you asked and he just smiled down at you in silence

You huffed and let him lead you through the crowd of colorful lights.

You walked for awhile slowly straying from the large ocean of people and you smiled as you two made it to a small park where he lead you to sit on the roof of the playset.

"Up you go" he said as he tugged you up by the elbow to support you while climbing.

You finally plopped down and you both looked in the direction of the fireworks while starting a small and sweet conversation

"You know... I never knew what would happen the day I met you, I always thought we would be separated because we lived so far apart, and went to different schools" you said and he laughed

"Like I'd let that happen, you where my first friend believe it or not" he said back and you chuckled to
You did that alot with him
Sometimes just his presence made you lightly laugh in joy, you almost never had a dull moment or empty feeling when you where next to him

But for a minute you let your thoughts slip through that barricade

What if your parents... Never wanted you in the first place

"Sho... Do you think" you paused to gather your thoughts, you didn't know I you should or shouldn't say anything "Do you think my parents thought I was a burden, and that's why they gave me away" you said and tears crept to your eyes

"I don't know" he said quietly but he slipped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him

"But i know one thing, I would Never give you up, not for a damn thing in this world" he said and hugged you closer as you leaned your head on his chest for the comfort it brought.

"Promise" you whispered, he almost couldn't hear you but luckily everything was silent so he heard well enough

"Promise" he said back firmly

You smiled and nodded before scooting closer to him.

"Hey look there" he said and you looked up to see most of the lights from the crowded street going dark one by one

"It's starting" you said and payed attention impatiently waiting for the festive colors in the sky.

You two watched eagerly, well you did, he just watched like he was waiting for a commercial to be over, until finally you heard the screech of the first firework take of
There was a single heartbeat of silence before a loud BOOM with prolonged crackles that revealed a beautiful tealish-blue and gold

"Wow" you whispered quietly and he rested his head on yours to watch closely, but you had a feeling he was watching your child like wonder more than he was the beautiful colors that started to rapidly explode in the sky.

It was a night filled with a quiet appreciation for one another and a mix of colors to explain the feeling in your chest.

You couldn't be happier in this moment, but you where sad that it would come to an end on your last vacation day.

So for now you would enjoy it.

You learned another thing that day as always.

1. Shoto had your back, he's shown it before, but he was never more believable than now

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