chapter 6

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The age up for every chapter will stop when Aizawa becomes more yandere so no worries you won't miss alot, the chapters so far are to give you an emotional connection and sort of awareness about Aizawa


16 was a big age for someone.

A great milestone to the path of adulthood, you couldn't wait to travel.

Driving, jobs, relationships, self improvement.

It was all an exciting journey that you where eager to think about as you sat on your bed and waited for Shotas little "surprise" he has for you (Ayo what was that thought process you just had 🤨📸)

"Is it ready yet!?" You yelled and waited for him to answer

"No, just be patient" he chuckled up the slide to let the answer echo in your room

You laughed a little as well and shook your head at his slowness.

You where still excited for his surprise and you wondered what he would give you.

You had a million things run through your head and tried to get it all in tact so you didn't run to the oddest thought you could muster.

You heard his footsteps and then then the slide shook as he slid down and popped out right at the end.

"So?" You asked starting to get more impatient

"So, it has come to my attention that in every adult life there are points where you need holidays, vacations, things like that" he said and you nodded with one brow raised

"It is also come to my attention that... We only have 2 months left before I have to start business school, and while I will still live here, I won't have the spare time" he said that a little less excited and you nodded sadly at that

"Yeah I know" you said while picking at the skin on your hand thinking about how you would be spending less time with him than you have your whole life

He smiled sympathetically before walking up to you where you sat on the bed and he crouched down to grab both your hands in his

"And I want to make the most of the free time we have, just me and you for Not 'a final hurra', but just a 'no matter what happens' reminder" he said and gently circled his thumbs around your hands before letting the corner of his lips upturn

"So, with that being said, I'm taking you, an almost adult, on a trip with me, a new adult, to another country" (you get to chose)

You where frozen for a minute before his words sunk in, and then it hit you.

"WHAT" you shouted with excitement
A whole other country.

"Yep, we leave tomorrow, so pack your bags for a month because that's how long we're staying" he said standing up and pulling you up with him.

You wasted no time jumping into him and holding him tightly in a hug.

"Thank you thank you" you said holding him tightly and he chuckled while hugging back and you ran to your closet to stuff things in your suit case the moment he gave you the plane ticket.

You realized just how wonderful it would be getting out of the house and spending time with Shota

Just you and Shota...


At a... Hotel resort...

The reality hit you harshly making you stumble with the clothing in your hands and almost fall over, sadly you still yelped in surprise alerting Shota

"You okay" he said from outside of the closet and you hollered back a choked out "yeah"

Your mouth went dry and your legs shook weakly as you realized... You and him would be alone for a whole month together

You didn't know what to do about that and your expectations went through the roof with the thought but you wound them in before you got ahead of yourself and ruined it with your thoughtless hopes of being with your best friend.

Little did you know Shotas expectations.

Aizawa view~

I don't think anything would really happen, my kitten is too shy to say anything about their feelings for me

And if I tried I would admit to more things than I would like to
Such as the shrine in my closet...
The bodies I've buried.

And the precautions I plan to take when they get out of highschool so they make sure to live with me and stay together forever.

But the idea of those plans didn't stop my imagination from soaring through the roof

But before I could reel it in I felt myself get hot so I looked down and imediately turned for the slide.


"Sho, are you going back to your room already" you asked poking your head out from the closet

I turned my head back to look at you and I smiled a bit before nodding

"Gotta get my bag packed too" I said and was about to rush away to cool off but you dashed full speed at me and wrapped your arms around me from behind

'dont hug lower, don't hug lower!' was all I could think with your arms around my waist

"Thank you sho" you said and I relaxed a bit at hearing your soft words

"Of course Kitty" I said and you chuckled

"You haven't called me that since grade school" you said with a laugh and I chuckled back seeing how right you where

"Well I might have to bring it back then" I said and you nodded

"Now go finish packing" I demanded playfully and you nodded before going back to the closet.

I looked down to see that I was worse now than before, so I awkwardly ran to the slide and dashed up it with heavy breaths.

"Shit" I whispered while closing a small door to the slide that we both agreed to have for privacy

"This trip will be the death and the life of me" I said sliding down the wall while ignoring the ache from my tight pants


Your View~

This was it

You finally landed in the country and you where ready to do everything at once if you had to.

Eating foreign foods
Cuddling with Sh- spending time watching movies.

All of it.

You couldn't be happier to be landed with your bag in hand.

"Sho this is going to be great!" You said attracting some attention from onlookers but you didn't care.

"Yeah, but first let's check in and set our stuff at the inn" he said making his way to the airport exit route with you following behind.

You learned another thing those two days.

1. Shoto really likes time with you, why else would he make you spend an entire month alone with him

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