chapter 17

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You weren't sure what to do as Shota clutched you tightly all while sound asleep.

You two lay there and he was out cold but you... You where wide awake.

And you didn't know what to do with your newfound information, heck you didn't know if there was anything to do with it.

You were married, and it wasn't even by your choice
You felt like he had taken a right from you, like he chipped a piece of your independent dignity off like it was lint on his shoulder.

Not only that but your parents gave you away for money... Not even to give you a better life, just to get a load of debt off their shoulders.

You didn't think you could do it you didn't know if you could stand being his partner in marriage, or if you could stand being locked up.

It has only been almost a month at most since he brought you here but you already couldn't stand being locked up like this.

You peaked over your shoulder to see Shota snoring lightly and his stubbled chin poked into your shoulder like you where his personal pillow.

You checked his grip around you by wiggling lightly and noticed it had loosened ever since he went to sleep so you tried your luck at shimmying out of his grasp.

To your relief he just grumbled and rolled over the moment you where able to stand up.

You looked around before realizing that this was the perfect chance for you.

You quickly went to the closet and grabbed the one pair of shoes he brought for you before sliding them one and tiptoeing your way out of the closet

You looked at his peaceful sleeping face and regret filled your entire being.

All the good times you had
He's always been there for you and now you have to leave
You figured you would have to leave him in a more normal way, like in collage or just moving states to live with Shoto/Momo, or maybe even him moving to make a business and get married in some other city

But you never thought it would be like this
Like a horrible nightmare you never wanted to happen.
And even with all that's happened you can't help but still care for the person you thought he really was and you know is still there.

"Goodbye Sho... I love you" you said before closing the bedroom door behind you and going downstairs to get the keys that he kept on the door nob.

You picked them up and relief washed over you for the first time since you've been here this past month.

You sighed happily as you stuck the key in the lock and turned it carefully to not make too much noise

When you opened the door and walked outside you felt a refreshing sense of hope.

It surrounded you with the crisp air and you felt the sweet sensation of freedom course through your bones.

And then you dropped the keys in the grass and took off full speed with a wide grin.

You didn't plan on coming back
And you never wanted to be stuck that way again as you dashed down the streets looking for a familiar road or something that could help you.

You almost felt hopeless for a full hour, you walked around blocks and through neighborhoods but then there it was.

The police station right in your sight.
So you took off full speed ignoring the ache in your feet and legs and just running with joy

Never had you been happier to see one building so much.

And when you opened the doors it nearly brought tears to your eyes, because you where finally safe.

Or so you thought.

Months, nearly a year since then.

You finally felt at peace now that you where far away from Shota, and as much as you missed him you knew it was better this way.

So that feeling of peace filled in that empty spot he left.

Even I he was never caught you knew you where safe.

You where moved into an apartment when you told the police what happened, and maybe you weren't with him now but the memories sufficed, the sweet ones at least.

You let your hand stroke through the fur a small black cat you picked off the streets.
It reminded you of Shota and you couldn't let that skip by you and your desperate heart.

You watched the ceiling wondering if maybe Shota was still out there. Maybe he was long gone from this country, he was wanted all over Japan for the murder of his parents, which you admitted to and even how he kidnapped you.

You kept thinking what if it was different. What if Shota never kidnapped you and you just went on with your life, would you still be hoping one day day you would really start to love Shoto/Momo, or would Shota confess to you and you would accept.

You didn't know and now it was to late to think on no matter how different you want it to be.

You were surprised when you heard a knock at your door, it startled you from your comfortable position on the couch and the cat you had stretched it's back and reached it's claws forward before hopping off your lap, no longer content there.

You quickly got up and walked to the door wonder who exactly could be there at this time of night

You put your hand on the door knob hesitantly turning it before you opened it up.

And as soon as you did you slammed it shut and blinked twice as if you where seeing things.

But then you heard a slow tap on your door and you knew they where still there, that he was still there

"No" you whispered and locked the door before dashing to the phone.

You heard him talking on the other side of the door and your heart raced in panic

He went quiet then called your name as you started to dial the police in your phone

"Y/n... Open... Up" he said and as the phone rang once you heard a loud bang and the door shook on it's hinges

Then another bang resounded through the room making you flinch back
He could get in at any moment and you wouldn't be able to do anything thing about it.

More bangs resounded as the phone rang and finally the phone picked up, it was as if every second counted towards getting your words out because as soon as the phone picked up you heard the door start to crack

"Hello what's your emergency" a voice answered and you rushed to speak

"I'm l/n f/n and I was under surveillance as witness protection a few months back, Aizawa Shota is here at my door please hurry" you said and the person on the other end kept talking and reassuring you they would arrive soon
But to you that was not soon enough as the door finally caved in on itself leaving you to face him.

He stood there black hair dangling in his face and a sinister grin spread to show to much teeth

Shota was here to take you back.

And you knew this time

There's no escaping him

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