chapter 13

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Warning: idk what to call it so I'm just gonna say it
You get a good backhand for being a brat



You could only see darkness as your slowly fluttered your eyes open, you hoped maybe they just needed to adjust to waking up but after a minute or so of the deafening silence you where disappointed to stare into the pitch black.

You slowly scanned around as if that would help, even if it wouldn't, and then after tried to move your hands to rub your eyes.

But the only feeling that there was, was the itch of tight rope around your wrists and the feeling of a semi comfortable chair.

And as if it was a large 2 by 4 coming to smack you in the face, you remembered the events before you where knocked out.

The horrid memory that was burned into the flesh of your brain, like a branding, made you want to vomit all your fear and disgust onto the floor.

You didn't know what to do now as you panicked and every type of question spring through your head and you began to struggle against the ropes

Where you next
Why would Shota do something so awful
What would you do if you can't get out of the binds
Would you be killed just a brutality as the other two

You tried not to think as you pulled against the ropes helplessly and tried to shimmy your hands out of them only for failure.

Right as you tugged at your harshest a door swung open and a light flicked on making your pupils dilate and you plop down in your seat harshly as your eyes stung from the sudden abuse.

"Calm down kitten, it's okay" a voice cooed from the door way
You would recognize that voice from anywhere
The gruff undertone, the affectionate vocal.

It was no doubt Shota and his blood stained soul.

You shivered in fear and looked down immediately as if you where a dog against it's abuser.

Fear coursed through your veins and bones and the panic made your heart race

What would he do next

What would you do to avoid his next action.

You struggled that's what.

Of course he didn't seem to like that, at all, his face contorted to displeasure and slight anger as he watched you tug against the ropes but he slowly calmed down

"It's okay, I get it, you want to leave, and after what you saw I'm sure you don't want to be near me" he said while reaching one hand out to caress your hair.

You tried to back your head away and shake his hand off but he kept petting you.

And all you could see as he pet you was the blood that stained his hands before, even if they where clearly cleaned off now.

You panicked as his hand tangled through your (h/c) locks and out of reflex and instinct you did the unthinkable

You jerked your he'd back making his hand fall Infront of your face but you didn't give him time to react as you chomped down as hard as you could

You could feel your teeth pierce the soft flesh of his hand and the taste of iron lingered on your tongue before he jerked his hand away

You felt accomplished for the split second he didn't take to react as he let out a shout and clutched his hand, but when he did react it was in a very unexpected way

It happened so fast you didn't process your head snapping to the side until you felt a harsh sting on your cheeks and the slight lingering feeling of his knuckles and fingers made your face feel odd as the sound of a smack resonated through the room.

He had just backhanded you

And not like some childish small tap with the back of his hand either, it was a full cheek numbing pain that struck a tear to your eye

"I'm sorry, but you deserved it, I'm trying to be nice and you go and bite me!" He exclaimed holding his bleeding hand and you stayed silent still shocked from the hit

He's never laid a hand on you before, not once, even when you where screaming and kicking at him in a tantrum as a child.

It made you question... Was this even Shota?!

"I know... I know it's hard for you after seeing that but I promise you I didn't mean to show you that ever, but I won't hurt you alright so just take it easy kitten" he said before turning around and leaving out the door while shutting it strangely calm.

You sat in the silence with a stinging cheek and teary eyes while hoping the floor would bring some comfort or even a new image to fill your head with besides the bloody view that imprinted in your brain

As if the world heard your plead a little lady bug came crawling into view and you smiled softly looking at it's beautiful spots and shimmering glossy shell.

But tears still flowed out of your face as you hoped you would wake up from a horrible nightmare, as if all this was one big dream that wasn't on your side.

"Please... Somebody wake me up"

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