chapter 9

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You decided to sleep in today, it's not like you had any plans because your only plans where set for tomorrow with Todoroki/Momo.

When you woke up it was about 12:00am (12:00) and your head was slightly groggy from the deep sleep.

You stretched up with a yawn and felt bored already, and where thinking that you should get something to eat.

You headed to the kitchen where the cooks where working on breakfast and made your way around to grab an apple with stealth.

Of course you weren't born and raised as some ninja or assassin so of course you were caught and received a light smack to the wrist by your friend Mina

She worked here on breaks including Saturdays and Sundays so she could make some cash for her family to start up their own business.

"Here eat this instead " she laughed out as she handed you a plate of pancakes

"Yummy" you said and took it in your hands with a glint of excitement to dig into the delicious meal.

"Thanks Mina Luv Ya!" You shouted in happiness as you and your excited stomach walked to the dining area to scarf down what was on the plate.

You made your way out of the kitchen door connected to the dining room and where prepared to sit down.

But in your haste you failed to notice another person in the room and almost dropped the pancakes when they spoke up

"Hey" the gruff monotone morning voice of Shota said from the corner

You jumped in surprise before setting the plate slowly on the table and looking towards the talker

"Sho, what are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be at work" you said and he shook his head simply

He made his way over to sit next to you silently, and that unserved you.

Unlike usual he didn't have a smile at the corner of his lips when he saw you, and you wondered if all the time apart has made him bored of you.

It pulled at your heart to think that but you tried your best to not think that.

"They gave me a day off since I usually work in the afternoons everyday" he said plainly as he looked at a flower vase on the table

"Oh that's great... Do you want to do something... Together... It doesn't have to be much, we can even nap together if you want" you said knowing that he was probably bone tired

"Yeah" he said dryly, almost harshly and you couldn't help but frown at his tone.

Even for someone so tired he was always gentle with you, at least in his voice
He sometimes gave you a tap upside the head when you where reckless or just shook his head in annoyance when you where being too rowdy or off the walls.

But never had he spoken to you harshly.

"Y-ou don't have to" you said hesitantly, and suddenly as you poked your fork into your food you weren't so excited to eat.

"No, we will... So... How was your date with Shoto/Momo" he said and took your plate and fork

You didn't protest to that when you saw him cut a piece with the fork and bring it to your mouth

Your face flushed in embarrassment, mainly because he knew, and second because he called it a date.

"It wasn't a date!" You tried to protest while taking the fork in your mouth.

He pulled the fork out slowly as you chewed and he cut another piece, this time stabbing a berry to go with it

"You went somewhere with just them, you hung out, you where also introduced as a possible suitor when you first met, it was a date" he explained and put the fork up to you when you swallowed your bite from before

"No, I just wanted to hang out with them" you said quietly taking the next bite that he fed you, which was sometimes normal for him, you don't know why but for him it was easier to have a serious conversation with you whenever he was doing something to take care of you
And you never protested because it meant alot to him to be able to express his concerns with ease

"Yeah, but as friends, or as potential partners" he asked, it was more of a rhetorical question but you answered it none the less

"As friends" that was a lie, you did have intentions to date them, but only to get over the man currently feeding you pancakes that you couldn't process the flavor of, but they where most likely delicious.

"You know I don't like when you lie" he said and you looked away from his deep black eyes

"I know... But I have my reasons" you said and took another bite he prepared for you.

"What reason is good enough to lie to your best friend!" He harshly said placing the fork down with a small clatter against the glass

You slowly chewed and swallowed with tears in your eyes daring to slip out but you wouldn't let them

"I have to... Because if I say the truth it'll all be over, everything would change, an I wouldn't even be sure you would care about me anymore" you said holding back the lump in your throat that made it increasingly hard to keep in the tears

His harsh face softened as he looked at you, you were a mess without even trying and he knew about that underlying fear that someone would abandon you all over again.

He stood up and pulled your head to his chest letting it rest there as his other arm went around your shoulders

You immediately leaned forward and wrapped your arms around his waist as he thrummed his fingers across your back while you stayed seated and let the harsh tears fall into his shirt.

"I'm so sorry Sho" you balled like a child who fell off their scooter

"I know... I know" he said and the sinking feeling in your heart slowly drifted away as he shushed you into comfort.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me if your not ready" he said with an underlying tone of guilt

Your uncontrollable sobs soon calmed to wracked breaths as you inhaled his calming scent of coffee and light hint of cologne, it invaded your nose like a drug and acted as a serotonin to your worried mind as you slowly calmed

"Hey, I know it's hard, and I'm sorry I pushed you, but let's just eat and go watch a movie okay, let's enjoy the time we have today" he said gently whispering

You slowly nodded while hesitantly leaving his chest with one last inhale before he leaned down and kissed your forehead

"Always remember, your my best friend, you can trust me, and I can only trust you, we're in everything together"

You sniffled one last time before looking up at him
"Promise" you said and he brushed your hair out of your face and planted one last kiss to your forehead

"Always and Forever"

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