chapter 3

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It's been 4 years since you moved in with the Aizawas

At first you blamed the Aizawa family for your parents  leaving you behind for so long
But you got over that when all Shota did was stick by your side.

You where now in 4th grade, that grade where people are growing up a little more, and Sho was in 6th grade, where people where growing up alot.

You didn't understand him at times because of his "puberty" stage as Mrs Aizawa told you about.

But you knew that he always had your back, he did however get more clingy and protective the moment you grew up in the slightest.

He didn't like when you had "friends". To him it was like betrayal, above all else, more so than if you where to actually betray him like with a trust fall.

He always said one thing "I'm your only friend, everyone else will leave you"

One time you got so tired of hearing him say that you used his "puberty" against him.

"Oh yeah, just like your pimples won't ever leave you" you yelled at him before running off to your room that was right next to his.

You closed off the crawl hole in the ceiling and locked your door for hours. Until he knocked on the crawl door offering you favorite gummies.

He hugged you close even though you crossed your arms tightly, and he told you the only thing that would fix the situation.

"I'm doing it for you, I know you want friends, and I know you think you can have them, but they might leave you in the end, I won't... I'm your best friend remember" he said and he pulled you closer

You sighed and gave up your endless pout before hugging back.

"Okay... Thanks Shit, I'm sorry I commented on your crusty face" you sighed and he faked a scoff before starting a tickle war as "payback"


Yeah you wished it was still like that, the way it was a few months ago, he didn't outburst so much, he also wasn't as clingy to you and he didn't voice crack every time he got nervous.

Now he just attacked anyone that got near you without his permission, and you don't know why he was like that, you figured it was just a phase.

But you didn't think that so much today.

"Hey Sho do you think I could get a coloring book at the store today?" You asked and he hummed before nodding and taking hold of your hand

"Let's go then" he said while you both marched along the sidewalk of the school grounds that was full of people ready to go home, or just anywhere but school.

You yawned a little and Shot looked at you curiously before you shrugged it off.

"Tired?" He asked and you shook your head
"Not as tired as you" you said pointing to the bags under his eyes and his face lit up in surprise before he turned his head forward and ignored your comment about his tired eyes.

"Hey Shota!" A voice feminine voice called from behind
You heard Shota sigh from beside you and you raised a brow
You turned around to see a small boy about Shotas age walking up.

You almost wanted to compliment his lipgloss color but he shot you a glare and made a disgusted noise.

"Shota why don't you hang out with me today please, I'm dying to hang out today" the boy said and Shota rolled his eyes

"No" he said before trying to turn around and the boy made him stop by running in front of him

"Come on please, besides I bet it would be glad to get the twerp off your hand for a bit, maybe... You could hold my hand instead" the boy said and Shota sighed again before pushing ahead

"Piss off" he said and the boy scoffed

"Come on are you kidding me, you want to spend time with a brat rather than someone your own age, I mean I invited you on a date and you turn it down to walk that drooling little snot storm home" he shouted and most of the people froze to stare

But he was right
Wouldn't Shota want to be around people his age... Not you. Not someone he's been around most of his life... Someone he wouldn't be bored of

Shota immediately turned around and glared so hard that you could see the daggers shooting from his eyes

The boy immediately regretted his decision but didn't back down and shot a glare back

"1.We're to young for dates, 2. No one would date a snob like you and 3. I'd rather be near y/n than a gloss monster who cakes on more shadow than a baker with frosting on a cupcake, now leave me and MY y/n alone" he said and the boy smirked

"Or what, your going to throw out insults like a bitch" he said and Shota growled

"No, I'm going to follow up on threats"
You could swear the air was steamed up with hatred and anger, Shotas hand was so tight on yours you swore your fingers where bruised but you didn't say a word hoping he would notice, and you wouldn't have to break the screeching silence

"Threats, well here's a threat, if you don't drop the squirt now, and accept my last offer, I'll make you drop the snot bag" he said

And that's when it happened, you felt tears spring in your eyes
Not only because the grip on your hand was so tight, but you couldn't take anymore of the name calling and thats when you let a tear slip.

It was like Shota caught the tear fall in slow motion because the moment it hit the ground he jumped at the boy and started landing hits.

You screamed as you heard a crunch and saw blood hit the concrete

The boy with the glossy lips was now screaming and crying as you begged shota to get of him.

Finally 4 teachers came and pulled Shota off as he clung to the boy by his nails screaming in anger like a rabid animal.

When he finally calmed down with heavy panting and saw what he did he looked over to you and the teachers let him go to help up the glossed up mess.

"S-sho?" You said and you looked at him with so much fear

You where scared of him. Not only that but what he did. Why would he do that, why would he hurt someone so badly, why would he... Be so vicious.

He was... He is a monster.

You backed up but he opened his mouth to say something before closing in and looking down in shame.

When you saw him so vulnerable all your senses came back and you forced it into your head

That's Shota, that's him, your best friend, that's Sho.

You rushed up to him and gave him a hug but all he could do was lean into you and sniffle.

"It's okay sho... It's all okay" you whispered as they helped the crying kid up and to the nurses office.


You sat in the office swinging your legs in anxiety, as sho rested his head on your shoulder trying to keep his composure.

The door opened and you saw the boy walk out in pain as he held a wad of bloody toilet paper to the bridge of his nose where the skin busted open.

"Aizawa Shota" the principal called for him and Shota hesitantly stood and entered without looking back.

You learned something new today

1. Never make Shota mad. Because when he's mad he's not Sho, he's a monster

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