chapter 18

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It was a different hell this time

Or at least the same hell in a different space.

This time you stayed where you woke up in and now you where sat curled up on a futon mattress in the corner with your head in your hands

That sweet little feeling of freedom you had just a day ago was gone now that you where back with him.

And you knew there would be no mercy this time.

The room you where currently in was all grey stone and not a window was in sight, the place was worse than actually being in a room with him.

And to be honest if your emotions would just agree on hating him or loving it it would make this easier.

But sadly for you you couldn't make sense of it all, and now you where left to your thoughts stuck in this damned room.

But just as you thought of sleeping the time away the door creaked open and Shotas tall frame stood it the doorway and slammed shut right behind him.

He slowly made his way towards you with his shoes clacking against the hard floor.

He came to a stop right in front of you, and the way he towered over you was just as taunting as the words that came out of his mouth
"Have fun on your vacation Kitten" he said with a chuckle before bending down to where you where by sitting on the heels of his feet.

"What, nothing to say to your dear husband" he said and you clicked your tongue bitterly at him

"We aren't married, and I'm not your kitten" you said and he laughed as if it was the most amusing thing he's ever heard.

"Suit yourself, but just know that only makes this harder for both of us.

"It makes this hard for me, you just enjoy my pain you sadistic ass" you said turning your head to the side

You didn't want to be caught again and yet here you where
But in some way you blamed yourself

Maybe if you had just told him how you felt in the first place this wouldn't have happened.

His face went from amusement to a slight look of pain and anger.

"Why would you think that! I don't ever want you to be in pain, it's just necessary when you act up" he said and you scoffed before turning your head away from his, to dissapointed to look at him

You heard him deeply sigh before a hand was placed in your hair, you didn't bother to move it, you where to bothered by everything else to care.

"You made me worry all these months kitten, and I didn't even get a hello" he said like it was a joke but there was a sadness in his tone "I love you... You know that right" He said and you clenched your hands into fists.

"If you loved me you wouldn't keep me locked up here" you whispered and he slowly let his hand fall off your head

"Sorry but it has to be this way, this could have been avoided if you just stayed last time" he said and you didn't answer him as he stood up

Right as he was about to leave the doorway you spoke up

"You could have just told me you liked me, I liked you too you know" you said and he looked over his shoulder with a sad smile

"I'm telling you now" he said as if it was a compromise but you shook your head

"It's too late Shota...

What's done is done"

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