chapter 14

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The world worked in mysterious ways, one of them being that your best friend and life long crush Shota Aizawa was in love with you.

Of course the downfall to this
He kidnapped you and murdered his parents, as well as your bf/gf Todoroki/Momo who you where dating in order to get over him.

And as of late, there was a few nagging questions in the back of your mind, and it all ran back to why you where living with the Aizawas in the first place.

After all you don't know much about your parents at all, you don't know anything about their lives now or if they got rid of their debt, all because they gave you to the Aizawas to get rid of 2'000 dollars worth of debt

And now you sat here eating breakfast with your kidnaper, wondering why

Why did it all come to this.

"Your not eating your food" Shotas gruff voice said across from you and you zoned back to reality realizing that all you where doing was poking the fluffy yellow scrambled eggs with your fork.

"Not hungry" you replied with a dry voice without caring to look at him

He sighed deeply before standing up and walking towards you making you tense harshly

"Calm down, I won't hit you again, I shouldn't have in the first place" he said dragging a chair to sit in before plopping down and gently taking the fork from your hand

"I hope you like the new place?" he said as he stabbed a little bit of egg and held it to your lips

You didn't open your mouth to revive the food and instead shook your head at his question.

"Eat" he demanded and a chill ran up your spine.

You slowly opened your mouth and took the egg before chewing and swallowing it and then he was satisfied so he continued to talk.

"Is there anything that would change you not liking it here?" He asked and you shook your head hesitantly while holding back from saying
'you going away'

He handed you another fork full of eggs that you ate and he sighed sadly

"Do you want anything, I'll give you it no matter what Kitten, after all it's my job as your boyfriend to make sure your okay" he said as if he was trying to reassure you

"I want to leave" you said quietly making his hand tense around the fork

He sat there in silence for a good minute, and like a flash of lightning he stabbed the fork downwards into the table only inches from your hand.

You stared in shock and fear at the fork looking at how close it was and you where glad it didn't hit your hand seeing that it was stuck upright in the wooden table

"No... I'm going out, so stay here and don't try anything" he said standing up and pulling on a coat by the entrance.

You just stared at the fork and registered what he said but where to shocked to look away from the silverware

"I love you" he said and you heard the door shut with a loud bang before a click resonated through the short hall.

After a minute or so you slowly took your hand off the table and tugged lightly on the fork hoping to take it out

That failed so you placed one hand on the table and pulled upwards as hard as you could only to have your hand shoot up and the fork handle jab your forehead, feeling like a solid punch.

"Shit!" You exclaimed as you held your forehead and dropped the fork

After a minute or so you sighed and picked the fork up to put it on the table and went to look around

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