Chapter 2

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A guilty consciousness would do anything to unravel their wrongdoings. For the torment of guilt doesn't come from whoever they wronged but it comes from within. It's your own judgement that doesn't leave you alone, it's your own blame that sets your life on fire and your own feelings that cage you in misery as your thoughts keep pushing you down, making you more and more worthless and incapable of anything good.

It's is guilt that can destroy you and such everyone who has once made a mistake would be more than delighted for their mistake to come undone, yet after Jimin had brought a solution to her mistake Jiya didn't appear as relieved as you were expecting her to be.

Her expression fell visibly as Jimin was still looking at you, awaiting your agreement to his idea but from the corner of your eye, all you could think about was her reaction. The way she lowered her eyes as seconds ticked away and her hand travelled to her neck, while she murmured something none of you quite caught.

"I will give it a try, I will text him right away and ask to meet him." You replied and Jimin gifted you a smile, satisfied that you had agreed with him, despite the fact that he knew that you would have wanted to use this occasion to lure them in as you had mentioned prior, and he sure had thought of the idea as appealing however he no longer wanted to trouble Jiya with anything further for the fact that she was involved, to begin with, was partially his fault, or so he felt a sense of responsibility of this issue.

Besides, he was not empty-handed anymore as he had DongMin that he could use to lure those people in for he had already agreed to work with them and they weren't aware that Jimin didn't know about it. He could come up with something later on and get a bit closer to discovering who was after him, so for now he just wanted to have Jiya secured and out of trouble so Jin would be calm too.

"Please send them the email now. " Jimin instructed her and she hesitantly took her phone out of her bag and proceeded to send the file while Jin that was next to her took note of the email address, intending to look it up later.

"It's sent" She announced, with a tone of voice that came off as very sad, making Jin place a hand on her shoulder, reassuring her that everything was going to be solved perfectly fine. Words of comfort that were meant to calm her nerves, yet as you looked at her, smiling and telling him that she is glad about that, all you could notice was how her hands went behind her ear, tagging a loose strand of hair that wasn't even there.

It was a simple action that anyone would do and it most likely could be just a habit, however, a gut feeling inside you wasn't leaving you to let that body language pass by as something random. She was definitely hiding something, even if all she had said was true you couldn't help but believe that there was something more she wasn't sharing. However, you couldn't utter that suspicion for there was no base for it whatsoever but just your guts. Guts that rarely had proved to be wrong.

"Someone should inform Dongmin about the storm he is about to get in. Hyung please take care of that for me. And Y/N keep me updated about how it goes with Jeon. You all may go now, I don't have much time to rest." Jimin gave instructions as he watched over the clock showing the early hour of the morning that was bringing him to a handful of days that he was doubting if he could see the end of it, without collapsing or being taken over simply because he was aware that his condition was weak and especially after everything that had happened today he was mentally crumbled. And exactly because the possibility was high, he needed to do his best to prevent it.

"Okay, don't forget to take your medicine." You reminded him as you stood up from your seat, not questioning him on anything further and Jin did the same, along with his girlfriend to whom he suggested stay over at his house for a bit.

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