Chapter 63

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"I think I am gonna go and shower first," Boram announced to Jungkook as soon as she kicked off her shoes by the door, having just returned to his apartment from Mr Duho's villa.

The two sure had started feeling their anxiety kick in once they had found themselves safe and sound in the car but throughout all their ride home, both Jungkook and her had been tense, looking at every passing car suspiciously. In doubt, if anyone was to follow them or try to do something to them in any way, however, all their suspicions had proven just overthinking as the two made it home safe and sound.

"This is my house. I decide that." Jungkook snapped from behind her as he closed the door and proceeded to take off his shoes, watching her figure drift further inside his apartment.

"Don't be annoying. Do you know how much I have sweat while trying to keep that flawless performance in front of Mr Duho?" Boram retorted as the two came to face each other again once in the living room, she allowing her bag to plop on the couch behind her as she leaned against its frame.

"I don't know, nor I care. If you are to ask me, you played your role a bit too well though." 

"Oh, what was that? Are you trying to suspect me of something just because I act well?" She raised an eyebrow at him, as she felt slightly offended at his implication.

"Well I don't know, you are just too good at lying apparently and I am the actor here. It just made me many times could you have possibly been acting and I wouldn't have noticed." Jungkook uttered his sincere wonder as the fact that she was so good at pretending certainly had made him worry and sceptical over her and all he thought he knew so far about her.

What if this was some trap of hers that he had fallen for? What if her mother wasn't abusing her and Boram wasn't even suicidal? What if that night at the rooftop, somehow she knew that he was gonna be there and she pulled her act so well and ended up involving him with her for some reason he doesn't know yet?

"Many, I had convinced you that I was in love after you and crazy desperate to get with you if you can recall. "Boram replied a bit proudly, for despite how much she had hated those times that she was trying to get his attention because her mother was obligating her, she still had pulled it off pretty well somehow, even though the impression she made on him, wasn't the one she was going for. 

"Are you a psychotic liar or something?" Jungkook replied, with seriousness but Boram just cracked up for she had not been taking this conversation seriously at all from the start.

"Is a psychotic liar not supposed to shower? What does this even have to do with our topic?" She diverted the subject back where it should have been and Jungkook took a step closer towards her, glaring at her with squinted eyes.

"How much longer are you even gonna stay in my apartment? Maybe you should just go home." Boram's face lost all the lightness as soon as he spoke those words and she gulped down her saliva with difficulty for certainly she didn't feel ready to face her mother. Not that she could avoid her forever, she was aware she could not escape the punishment no matter what, yet still, fear had her try anything to just extend it for a bit longer.

"Fine, you can shower first. You don't have to be like this." She looked down as she spoke, then she took a step back before she rushed towards the guest room she was occupying, hoping that he wouldn't insist on throwing her out.

Thankfully for her Jungkook didn't as he just let a sigh escape his lips then he made his way to his couch, once seated feeling bothered and getting up instantly as he hadn't noticed the bag on the couch and he fell atop of it, causing him displeasure for the object hurt his back a bit.

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