Chapter 50

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Hidden behind a vehicle in the parking lot near the jewellery store you were inhaling and exhaling in order to keep yourself calm, while you had pinned your eyes on the vehicle you had seen Mr DuHo arrive with. 

He was wearing a mask but you recognised him because his body figure was the same and the upper part of his facial features was identical to his, however, you were aware that Jungkook's manager was at the set at that very moment and whoever was that had come here to Boram's aid was just a man whose name you did not know of yet.

You had been waiting feeling quite on edge as you had no way of knowing what was going on inside with him and Boram while they were in there, but you were trying to not overthink anything that was not related to your part. All you had to do was be vigilant and act quickly. 

 Closing the distance, you stealthily approached his vehicle, ensuring proximity for swift access when the opportune instant was to arrive, calculating that distance many times in your head but as soon as Boram and he came to sight, walking towards the vehicle, you felt your heartbeat start rising. 

They appeared to be engrossed in a conversation you could not hear while they were approaching more and more and in the process Mr Duho pressed the unlocking button to open his car and that was the moment you needed to take advantage of in order to enter on his back seat but his eyes were still directed towards the car so you were unable to move. Thankfully Boram had instantly thought of something to derive his attention as she pretended to have hit her foot against another vehicle and Mr DuHo rushed to her aid.

"Oh my, who put this here like this? These people don't know how to park properly." She complained while holding her ankle and Mr DuHo had squatted down before her, observing her foot with slight worry.

"Miss Boram," he began, his tone measured and calm, "I don't believe the blame lies solely on the vehicle. It seems you might have been somewhat preoccupied and not fully aware of your surroundings."

"Excuse me? Can you possibly comprehend the magnitude of the ordeal I just endured?" Boram retorted, her voice tinged with exasperation. "After everything I've been through, how can you expect me to be paying attention to my every step? I swear, I'm on the verge of collapsing." With a flourish, she dramatically placed a hand on her forehead, simulating weakness and distress while you carefully and silently made your way inside the back seat of his car and closed the door.

Once there you hurried to get the injection out of your pocket and prepare it for the job, your hands slightly trembling in the process for you had never attacked anyone before in your life.

Calm down, calm down, it's gonna go just as we have planned it...I possess the strength to restrain him, even if only for a fleeting moment...

You reassured yourself, suppressing the rising tide of nerves. Holding your breath, you observed Mr DuHo and Boram nearing the vehicle, the former opening the passenger door for her. Once Boram was comfortably settled, her eyes met yours with a subtle signal. Swiftly, you extended your hand, discreetly passing her the concealed injection needles, which she cunningly concealed beneath her jacket.

"I still find myself perplexed by your motivations, Miss Boram," Mr DuHo's voice rang out, his words laced with a mix of concern and bewilderment. "You could buy anything you want, so why try to steal something? I may have been able to hold this matter at bay for now but I am afraid that if your father gets to hear of this, I won't know what to tell him." Mr DuHo went on as soon as he got his seat belt on, and fixed slightly his mask which he was covering his lips and jawline. 

 "I obviously didn't take it on purpose, I was planning to pay for it, "Boram defended herself with remarkable finesse. Her words flowed effortlessly, weaving a tale of innocence. " I was looking around and I placed it in my back unconsciously while mentally noting that I wanted to purchase it. As I explained to the owner too while we were in there Mr DuHo, my intention was not to steal it. It was really a misunderstanding." Boram concluded and Mr DuHo let a sigh escape his lips, for part of him was doubting this as some earlier signs of her developing kleptomaniac tendencies.

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