.-~Chapter one ~-.

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"So? What do you think, are you up for it?" I feel a slight nudge to my right as I turn my eyes and glare at liam "what" I grit out

"Did you even listen to a word I just said?"

I give him a confused look "You were talking?"

"Oh for pete's sake" my dramatic best friend says, as he puts his head on the table. I roll my eyes and go back to looking at the students, who are trying not to waste a second, of our ever so quick lunch break, pushing each other to get to their friends. You'd think they havent seen eachother for a year. It was just the summer and sadly it wasn't long enough.

That's when I see her.


Her dark hair pulled back, as she tried to fumble with her bag, a canvas in her other hand, she looked up, the sun shining on her face, lighting it up more, a wide smile spread on her beautiful delicate face, as she spotted someone across the courtyard. I follow her line of vision wishing I was on the receiving end of that smile. I see her squeal and jump slightly as she runs to hug the girl she was looking at, until then do I recognize her.

Mia, Delilah's best friend. I've never seen them separated for more than a little while. I've also never met two people who are so different. Mia is more outspoken, known to have a fierce personality, never afraid to speak up and share her thoughts. While Delilah is usually quiet, known to be shy, always has a smile on her face and is ready to start the day positively.

How do I know all of this? The Thing is, if I answer that question I might sound like a creep.

Which by the fact that I'm staring at her feels like I already am.

I'm observant. I notice things even the little stuff people usually take for granted, but that's not the only reason I've noticed Delilah and Mia. We've been going to the same school and sharing the same classes since we were in preschool. I've talked to them more than once and could possibly consider them as friends? Maybe acquaintances.

And I may or may not wish that I was more than that with Delilah. But, It's not a crush.

A crush is taking a liking of someone, admiring them, wishing to be in their presence, I think I passed that stage a while ago,

Because with Delilah, I don't wish just to be with her, I wish I was worthy enough for her. I think I've fallen hard, and it's exhilarating but terrifying all the same especially because it's most likely to be one sided.

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