.-~Chapter Twelve ~-.

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I glare at Mia who has an amused smile on her face.

"She's not wrong" Liam states a smirk on his face as he leans on the wall next to where Mia is sitting on the chair, "It was pretty amusing."

My cheeks blaze again and I refuse to look at Connor, too horrified by what my brother just did.

Sensing my embarrassment Mia looks at Liam briefly they share a few looks as if having a silent conversation " Well-" Mia says standing up, Liam joining her "I'm so hungry, we'll go grab some food and I'll grab you something too Delilah"

My eyes widened. "What?" I start to question but before I can they rush out the room closing the door behind them.

I close my eyes briefly, very much annoyed at my friends, I open them slowly turning towards Connor who is already staring at me. "Hi" I said sheepishly as if I wasn't trying to avoid his gaze for the past few minutes.

A slow smile shows up on his face, his chair is still close to the bed I'm lying in but our hands aren't connected anymore.


"Hey", his gaze wanders around my face as if making sure I'm alright.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better, I feel a little weak but I'm okay."

His eyes soften but it seems like he's carrying so much weight.

It always looks like he's carrying more than he can.

Before I can stop myself from worrying too much, "Are you okay?"

His eyes snap to mine from where he was staring at my face.

He frowns at me, his eyebrows creasing if I wasn't worried I'd think he looked..well... kind of cute?

"I'm fine" he answers me confused, "why?"

I shrug, sitting up slightly, "You seem out of it like you're thinking too much."

"I am thinking too much."

Now it's my turn to frown, which only makes a smile appear on Connor's face.

He really should smile more, his dark, soft hair has a few strands falling on his forehead, those beautiful blue eyes giving me his full attention which he always does when we're talking.

He shakes his head softly, a grim look taking over his face."I was really worried" he stated, his eyes going back to meet mine. "I- seeing you that sick and then unconscious...it was scary." My breath hitches, stunned by the sincerity and realness of his voice.

"-and then seeing you here looking better" he sighs giving me a half smile "I've never been more thankful."

I take in a deep breath, tears threatening to spill from my eyes

I'm a sensitive person okay?

You make me happy I cry, you get me a thoughtful gift I cry, you tell me something nice I cry.

You make fun of me, or be rude to me or yell or be mean or... okay the list is long but anything not nice will also make me cry.

The not good kind.

Upon looking at my expression Connor's eyes widen and he quickly moves so he's sitting on the edge of the uncomfortable hospital bed, his hands taking mine.

"Lilah? What is it? Why are you crying?" He asks and for the second time that day you can hear the clear worry in his voice.

I don't know what it means exactly that Connor worries about me this much but I do know that I care about him even if we just started being friends a while ago, and by how he acts there's a slight possibility he does too.

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