.-~Chapter Five ~-.

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"Connor" I hear someone yell, I look over my shoulder stopping briefly to let Liam catch up to me.

"Where have you been? class is about to start"

I let out an irritated sigh, I was already having a bad day and it was still seven.

I woke up late, having been up all night thinking of Del- you know what, it doesn't matter who or what I was thinking about, just that I was thinking. After rushing to get ready I remembered that my Mom had an early shift this morning in the hospital which meant I had to drop Ana off at preschool, who was still asleep and very much not ready. After dragging a very sleepy four year old out of bed it took me another ten minutes to get her ready and fed before leaving.

I dont have the energy to re encounter my whole crappy morning so instead I only tell him that I had to drop Ana off.

"Well come on, I really don't want to hear Mr Walker yelling this early in the morning".

I internally groan, as if my morning had to get worse. Mr Walker taught me math back in middle school, for some reason he's here in high school now. He was easily the worst teacher that I had ever come across. He just assumed I was a bad kid and yelled at me any chance he got. He was rude to everyone, especially me.

"Come on grumpy" Liam tries to put an arm around my shoulder which I immediately dodge

I glare at him. Liam, completely unfazed beams at me

Rolling my eyes, we started to head to the class I was very much dreading.

Liam goes ahead of me knocking on the door before opening it dramatically

"Good morning sir" he says loudly, he then proceeds to face the whole classroom "Good morning students"

A few chuckles as well as good mornings can be heard

I roll my eyes for the second time that day

Mr Walker looks like he wants to murder Liam

Mr Carter, already claiming your seat in detention I see, ah and of course detention won't be complete without Mr Reed now would it?"

I clench my teeth trying to stop myself from talking back

I glare at him not uttering a word

"Take your seat gentleman, and don't forget detention on Friday after school"

I close my eyes briefly, my fists clenching at my side before I follow Liam towards the back.

I slump down on the empty seat, I turn around briefly not wanting to see Mr Walker and ruin my day further. my eyes roam around the room insanely stopping at the girl seated across from me.

Her eyes are on her notes as she frantically writes everything down, looking up at the board ever so often.

Her dark brown hair is swept in waves reaching just below her shoulders, from what I can see she's wearing a beige sweater with black jeans.

She looks beautiful. Who am I kidding Delilah looks beautiful in just about anything.

As if she sensed my stare she turns her head ever so slightly.

Her soft green eyes locked with my own light blue ones.

She gave me a small tentative smile that made me nervous for no damn reason.

Before I could comprehend anything, her attention was back to the front of the class, where Mr Walker was rambling"

Before anyone can think of me as a creep for staring at her I avert my gaze to the window.

Just like my mood today it's dark outside threnting to rain any minute today.

My mind takes me far away before returning to the one person I can never stop thinking about.


I have to stop myself from turning to look at her even though I really want to.

I'm broken out of my train of thought when I hear Mr Walker's loud voice calling my name.

From the look on his face im guessing he called on me several times

"How about you focus on the board instead of the window?"

"Answer the questions that's written on the board" the way he said it got on my nerves, like a lot of things do.

I admit I never really tried in middle school but it's different now, I've spent the last few years doing all that I can so I could be who I am today.

The person that was just barely enough for Delilah, even though I think there is no one who deserves her, but I'd be damned not to try at least.

My eyes glanced briefly on the board, a good feeling filling my chest when I realized that I knew how to solve this problem

I stay quiet for a few minutes trying to calculate my answer, while trying to ignore the many eyes that were on me.

I hear Mr Walker sigh "Cant say im surprised.."

I cut him off before he can finish his sentence


He looks at me eyes wide and appalled


"The answer, its 24"

His mouth is agape his eyes staring at me with astonishment and of course disgust

He cleared his throat

"That is correct, a lucky guess probably" he mutters not lowly enough

I smirk slightly before turning my gaze to Delilah

I don't know why I had the urge to look at her, I don't know why I wanted to see her reaction, and what she thought of me.

And boy was it worth it

Her eyes were bright, a smile was on her face and when our eyes met it widened slightly and i'm practically melting at the sight.

She mouths the word "Woah"

I smile slightly at her not being able to control it

I turn around as my smile widens in a way I haven't smiled in so long.


School dragged by so slowly, it felt like it would never end. Just as I was getting ready to head out Liam caught up to me

" you ready?"

I frowned at him "Ready for what?"

He give me a look "Soccer practice"

I grit my teeth in annoyance

It's not that I don't love soccer, I actually really do. I've loved soccer since I was a kid and I've never stopped, but there are days when I wish I could just lay down and read a book instead of running laps. Missing practice isn't an option especially because I'm captain

I let out a sigh, "Yeah, let's go."



I said this last time but this is more of a filler chapter as well but i'm excited for the next one!!

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