.-~Chapter Twenty Three ~-.

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I couldn't stop looking at her. I'm about to lose my mind.

My mom, aunt Laura and Ana went home a while back, Miles went to the kitchen to get some snacks and popcorn while Delilah and I looked for a movie to watch.

Miles has been...quiet. I can tell it was hard for him to invite me but I'm glad he did, it's not like I would be able to get any sleep without knowing for sure Lilah was okay.

I focus back on her as she scrolls through the movies on the tv, a content look on her beautiful and peaceful face. The same face that was red and covered in tears just a few hours ago.

I closed my eyes in agitation, I couldn't stop thinking about how tortured and sad she looked, I've never seen anyone, let alone Delilah look like that.

The same girl who never stops smiling and is always full of energy and good thoughts.

Turns out she was just hiding her dark thoughts away and her feelings. It bothers me that she was alone with those thoughts and flashbacks, that I couldn't help her before now.

But I swear now that I know I'll be damned if I let her go through anything alone. I'll be here if she ever needs me even if it's just as friends.

No matter how much that bothers me.

"What are you thinking about in that pretty head of yours?" Delilah's question cut through the agonizing quiet I was in. A beautiful radiant smile rested on her face as she tilted her head slightly.

A smile of my own appears as I stare at her magnificent self "You," I answer without a bit of hesitance.

If possible her smile widens more as a blush creeps onto her face, "Are you really?"

"Mhm" I murmured, my eyes not leaving hers in the slightest. I can see that her eyes soften slightly as her gaze never leaves mine.

A teasing smile plays on my lips as I say my next words, "Wait, did you just call my head pretty?"

Her blush deepens with her smile, "You called mine pretty first" she retorts back not missing a beat.

I smile back at her, "Well it is pretty" I say finally after a moment of silence. "So is yours," she replies back again.

I roll my eyes but my grin doesnt leave my face, how could I stop smiling when she was there? Right next to me.

"So did you choose a movie?"

She nods, "I already knew what I wanted to watch I was just scrolling for fun." she says sheepishly.

I let out a huff of laughter. "Well, what'd you pick?"

"You'll know when it starts." she says finally before turning her face away. I don't stop questioning her, wanting her attention on me always.

She refuses to tell me, laughter bubbles out of her when I go to a different tactic to get her to talk.

Tickling her.

"Come on tell me." I say as I hover over her.

"N-no" she stutters out in between laughs. I don't really care what movie she picks as long as I'm sitting there next to her.

But the sound of her laughs is something I never want to stop listening to which is why I don't stop.

Well not until Miles's voice interrupts us, "Uh what's going on in here?" Miles is holding two buckets of popcorn as well as some other snacks and drinks, he sets them on the table just as Delilah and I sit back down properly both high on adrenaline.

"Nothing," Delilah replies but her smile says otherwise. A knowing smile of my own appears but I try to hide it. I don't need miles to change his mind and send me home.

"Okay then," he says slowly, "So what are we watching?"

We both glance at Delilah, me with a triphunt look, she looks back at me with the same look coated in mischief. "I'll start it right now and you'll both find out."

Miles shrugs while I just playfully glare at her, I could never truly glare at her, it's actually impossible.

Delilah excitedly pulls her legs under her and settles more comfortably on the couch we're sharing, Miles sits on the armchair closest to the TV. The movie begins and the familiar Disney story starts.

The narrator starts telling Rapunzel's story and I roll my eyes.

"Seriously?" I've been forced to watch this so many times with Annabelle. I memorized the whole movie.

"Shh" Delilah whispers back, already engrossed with the movie, Miles only laughs and switches his attention back to the TV.

I glare at the screen willing it to change with my mind but instead something even better happens. Delilah leans towards me, with her head on my shoulder. Her arms circle my own as she gets comfortable next to me.

"Is this okay?" She asks quietly, a hint of hesitancy in her voice.

Okay? There's a hundred words I could use to describe her being next me and okay isn't one of them.

"More than okay" I say finally my gaze softening until my glare completely disappears. Something only Lilah can do.

I press a kiss to her forehead as she snuggles closer.

Who knew Tangled would suddenly be my favorite movie.


As the credits of the movie started rolling Miles got up from where he was half asleep on the armchair, "Okay kiddos time for bed."

Delilah and I both glanced at him with bewildered expressions which he just laughed at. He points a finger at me. "Can I trust that you fall asleep in the guest room and nowhere else?" He asks me with a raised eyebrow.

I nod holding back my smile. "You can trust me."

"Good," he walks up to Delilah and gives her a kiss on the forehead, "Goodnight Deli."

"Goodnight Miles," she murmurs sleepily from where she's resting against me.

By the end of the movie Delilah was so sleepy she kept dozing off which is why I eased her head from my shoulder onto my lap, a pillow under her head.

Miles's footsteps disappear up the stairs as Delilah and I sit in a comfortable silence. My hand runs through her soft dark hair.



"Thank you," she whispers sleepily "for everything you did. You helped more than you know."

My heart warms at her words and a sensation of pride washes over me. I want to experience this for as long as possible. The ability to be there for her for anytime she needs someone.

"I'm glad" I whispered back.



Sorry for the late update (again)

I wont promise it will get better but I will try!!

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