.-~Chapter Four ~-.

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"Miles" I yell out to the somewhat empty house we lived in

"In the kitchen Del"

I make my way to our small kitchen that opens to the living room where a few papers and bills sit alongside some colored pencils from my last project.

"Hey" My older brother says beaming at me as soon as he sees me.

"Hey" I reach out to hug him as he reaches down and places a small kiss on my head.

"What are you making?" I say trying to peer inside the pot he was attending to just a second ago.

"Just some pasta for dinner"

"Isn't it a little early for dinner?"

He gives me a look, his dark brown eyes are the only different feature between us. While he has dark brown eyes I have green, courtesy to my father.

"Del, do you know what time it is?"

I frowned at him "Four?"

He frowns back at me

"Delilah it's six"

My eyes widen instantly

"What?, no it's not."

I reach for my phone only to see that it is indeed six o'clock.

I give him a small nervous smile



"You know I was worried, I called you like seven times"

Just then do I notice the missed calls.

"I got carried away, I was painting at school and then on the way back the kids from the park saw me, I couldn't say no, I had to read them a quick story."

My brother cuts my ramble short with a chuckle, he hugs me again, rubbing his hand on my head, messing up my brown hair.

"Same little Delilah, huh?"

I glare up at him

"I am not little."

"And it's not my fault the kids look so cute, it's impossible to say no to them"

He rolls his eyes,"You can't say no to anyone". Before I can reply he turns back to his pasta "Go get changed, dinner will be ready in an hour"

I give him a quick kiss to the cheek as I head upstairs to my room.


I've lived with Miles for 4 years now, and I've never been happier.

My childhood wasn't the best, My Dad died when I was three, and my Mom, she's never really been a Mom.

I try not to think of the past but it's really hard. Her words have been etched and drilled into my head for so long that I believed every word she said. When you're told certain things for so long it's hard to ignore. It took time to heal and I still don't know if I'm completely over it, but I do know that I'm safe now, and it's all thanks to my brother.

As soon as he turned 18 he tried everything he could to get custody over me, it was hard, He didn't get it until he turned 20, and I was 12.

The last time I saw my Mom was four years ago, she tried to contact me but Miles made me promise to never answer or give in to any of her attempts.

We both know she means nothing but trouble. The problem is she wasn't always like this, she started treating me differently after my dad died, just me. She blames me for his death and if i'm being honest maybe I do too. It took Miles years to convince me otherwise. It's why I kept quiet for so long. I thought I deserved what I got from her, sometimes I still do.

I'm pulled by my dangerous thoughts when I hear Miles calling me down for dinner.

I'm still lost in thought when I sit down to eat.

"Hey, you okay?" Miles asks tentatively, putting a hand on my arm

I nodded, giving him a small smile that didn't seem to ease his nerves but he nodded anyway, turning his attention back to eating.

"Well how was your first day?, you were bursting from excitement just this morning"

A smile was instantly on my face, "It was great". I go on to ramble all about my day, with Miles commenting every once in a while.

"Hey that reminds me, we're having guests this weekend" he tells me not meeting my eyes as he stands up to clean the dishes

I freeze, "Guests?"

I don't do well with new people, actually I just don't do well with people in general.

It takes me a lot of time to be comfortable with someone new, but as soon as I am you'd think I was the most outgoing person you knew.

I'm shy and quiet at first but then I won't stop talking, it's why Miles always laughs when someone says I'm quiet, he thinks otherwise.

He straight up laughed right in front of my sixth grade teacher's face when she called me quiet.

According to him, I wasn't always like this. I used to be a very outgoing kid but it changed as soon as I became a teenager.

"Uh yeah, um she's just someone I know from work."

"Wait, she?" My eyes light up

Miles glares at me, "She's a coworker that I invited over for dinner that's it"

"Mhm I believe you"

"You do?" he asks hesitantly, turning around to face me

"Yep I totally believe that you don't have a crush on this coworker"

He scowls at me

"That's exactly why your cheeks are red"

His eyes widen "They are not red"

I press my lips together trying to contain the laugh that is threatening to spill from me.

"Remind me why I keep you?" He asks shaking his head

I smile brightly at him "Cause you love me"

"Who told you that?"

This time it's me who's glaring at him, which causes him to laugh.

"Your glare will never not be cute" he says bopping my nose

I scrunch my nose at him, "It's not supposed to be" I mutter

He lets out a chuckle as he heads to the living room to watch his game.

"Oh, before I forget, she's not coming alone"

I tilt my head "what do you mean?" I say slowly

He turns back to his game, "She's bringing her sister, nephew and niece"

My eyes widen "That's a lot of people" I say nervously

"Relax you'll be fine, I promise if it becomes too much you can leave whenever you want"

I hesitate before nodding slowly "Okay" I say quietly

He grins over his shoulder "Thanks Del, I appreciate it really"

I grin back at him and head upstairs, as soon as my door is closed I call Mia right away, needing her input on all of this.



This isn't my favorite chapter but its sort of a filler chapter,  just so you know a little of Delilah's backstory. There's still a lot I haven't said but that's it for now.

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