.-~Chapter Twenty Six ~-.

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It was finally December.

Right after fall, winter was my favorite season. I loved the chilly air, the warm winter clothes and the snow. Even though it hasn't snowed yet I still had hope it would before the break was over. I loved the idea of snuggling with a blanket, a book and hot chocolate looking out of the window seeing snow hit the already icy ground.

After spending the whole day yesterday with Connor I didn't think I'd miss him as much as I do right now. Ever since I woke up today my thoughts have been filled with him and the next time I'll see him.

Since the game tonight is a big deal with our biggest rivals the school gave us all the day off. Which means I haven't seen him all morning. I thought about texting him a few times but I got too nervous and was afraid I'd disturb him while practicing.

Plus what if he thought of me as too clingy?

I knew that I got attached way too quickly, so I tried to suppress it and not show how much I wanted to be around him.

But it's hard.

"Where'd you go?" Miles' voice interrupts my thoughts. I shake my head, and continue eating the pancake we made together. Anytime we could, Miles and I would cook with each other or spend time watching a movie or just talking. My brother always made sure we spend time together everyday even for just a bit.

"I'm just thinking about the game tonight. I hope we win."

Connors has been nervous all week even if he tries to hide it. I don't know when but along the way I've started to know Connor better than I know a lot of people. I know when he's happy or sad, when he's mad or annoyed. As if he was a subject I've been studying.

I can safely say that I'd ace that test.

Not in a creepy way or anything, I might have a crush on the guy but that doesn't mean I'm a complete stalker.


Spending days together has become so frequent and normal, it's weird when I don't see him.

Like today for instance.

"They will." Miles reassures me, "after all Laura says Connor is the best player the school has seen in ages. Well, maybe the best player since I graduated." He says with a smug look.

I roll my eyes, trying to hide the joy I feel after he said Connor's name without a sneer or a scowl.

progress .

Very slow progress but progress nonetheless.

You're coming home after the game yeah? He asks me while taking the dishes to the sink, me following him with my plate.

"Oh." I stop in my place making him turn towards me with a look. He waits silently while I shuffle my feet.

"I was wondering.." I start slowly giving him a small innocent smile which makes him look at me warily, "If I could maybe hang out with everyone after the game?" I end my question quickly bracing for his response.

Miles wasn't strict, at least not really. He had rules that I had to follow which I always do, okay maybe once when I was late, okay twice but other than that I don't break rules. It's just not something I do.

I completely and wholeheartedly believe that rules were made for a reason, not every rule but the reasonable ones that kept me safe.

He's fine with me going out but he prefers I'm back home early and not out late at night. Plus I need to tell him where I'm going and when so he knows where I am.

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