.-~Chapter Twenty Two ~-.

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I don't know who moved first.

One moment I was opening my door so quickly afraid he'd be gone and the next I'm in his arms, all previous thoughts gone and finally able to breathe properly.

Connor holds me tightly against him as tears continuously stream down my face.

"I'm sorry" I whisper, "I didn't mean to lie, I swear, I just..I don't know." My head hits his chest gently as I let out an exhausted sigh.

Hearing Miles talking about my so called mother and how she treated me sparked so many memories, everything she ever did came back to me with a punch.

Sometimes it feels like no matter how much time passes and how much I try to forget it'll alway be something I can't escape. Not to mention the nightmares. I'm so tired of being afraid of sleep.

I sob into his chest while he holds me closer, his hand moving in circular motions on my back to soothe my nerves.

My heart beats faster and pure exhaustion takes over my body, I sag against Connor not being able to hold myself up anymore. Connor takes this as a sign to lift me up completely in his hold.

Usually I'd be embarrassed and self conscious but I don't have it in me to care. Connor saw me sick in a hospital bed and once when I had a panic attack, safe to say that I felt one hundred percent comfortable with him.

He takes me to the bed, gently placing my on the edge. He then kneels infront of me and wipes my tears with the pad of his thum, gently caressing my cheek. I sniffle as I stare at him silently.

What I was afraid of happening has officially happened.

I'm attached and the liking is increasing to maybe something else. Something stronger.

I would be lying if I said the thought didn't terrify me.

My thoughts clashed with each other, I trusted Connor with all that I was, and I felt immensely comfortable in his presence and with his touch, but I still had these nagging thoughts and fears that he'd leave me or hurt me.

I've never been this close to a boy before, nor have I ever had a crush or was close to lo-

Close to liking.

Everyone talks about crushes but I've never heard of someone talk about the struggles they face with their first crush, or was it just fears that I encountered? That couldn't be right, there had to be others who felt the same way as me, the complete fear of rejection and vulnerability that could easily happen.

He was quickly becoming a person I wanted to share all of my deepest secrets, insecurities and everything to do with me, and I wanted to know everything about him as well.

"What are you thinking about in that pretty head of yours?" He asks quietly, as he taps my forehead.

"You." I answer truthfully.

Connors eyes widen slightly and a faint redness appears on his cheeks.


"Yeah" I say nodding and smiling for the first time.

"Thank you Con, for everything."

He smiles softly at me, pressing his forehead against mine.

"You never have to thank me Lilah."

He leans back to peck my forehead gently before standing up and giving me his hands.

"How about we go downstairs before Miles comes in here with a bulldozer?"

I laugh slightly which causes a smile to form on his face.

"Come on" He says, intertwining his hands with mine as he tugs me off the bed.

I stay close to him, not a breath between us. He doesn't seem to mind since he pulls me closer.


The living room goes quiet as we enter. Ana sleeps in her mothers lap while Laura and Miles sit closely together. The three spot similar worried looks that change the moment I walk in.

"Deli." Miles says standing up. In a few steps he's wrapping his arms around me in a tight bear hug.

I hear Connor shuffle away as Miles whispers the word sorry over and over again.

I tighten my grip around him, "Don't apologize you didn't do anything wrong."

He pulls away guilt evident all over his face, "If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have-"

"Miles." I say sternly "You did nothing wrong, really." I assure him. Sure listening to him talk about it didn't help but it wasn't his fault. I trusted Connor and his family. Now I know that I should've just told him from the beginning, it's a little late but I plan on telling him everything soon.

Hopefully he doest run away from me and my crazy past.

He smiles sadly before placing a quick and meaningful kiss on my forehead.

"You want to have a movie night tonight?"

I beam up at him and nod my head vigorously which makes him chuckle.

"Sounds good."

As soon as Miles goes to sit down my eyes fall on Connor who gives me a reassuring smile, to which I return. I take a seat next to Miles, opposite of Connor.

Lisa gives me a bright smile, "You okay sweetheart? Better?"

"A lot better." I say sincerely, I glance at Connor briefly, "Thanks to your son."

She smiles softly at me and pats Con's hand gently.

Laura nudges my brother's arm and gives him a pointed look.

He clears his throat, "Connor why don't you stay? Watch a movie with us and-" He then closes his eyes for a second before continuing with a slight grimace "-sleep over."

Mine and Connor's eyes both widen mine full of hope as I swivel my head to stare at Miles.

Connor looks at his Mom who stifles her laugh and nods at him.

"Sure yeah, if that's okay. I'd love to." He replies before glancing at me to make sure I was okay with it.

I was more that okay with it, I was ecstatic.

Miles grits his teeth, "Of course we want you to stay."

Laura snickers beside him before pecking his cheek which makes him relax. "Why don't you stay too?" He whispers thinking no one will hear it, except I do.

Laura gives him a soft look, "I'll keep that offer in mind for another night. I better help Lisa out at home." He smiles back at her and nods.

Connor and I share a smile. Something definitely changed between us tonight, and I can't help but feel like it's a good change. A change that will bring us closer



Hey!! Hope everyone is doing okay, sorry for the short chapter. I had a busy week and couldn't find much time to write but I promise the next one will be long like usual.

Hope you all liked this chapter<3

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