.-~Chapter two ~-.

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It's the first day of junior year.

I think I just eternally squealed inside my head. To be fair this isn't the weirdest thing i've ever done inside my head. You should've seen me on the first day of high school.

I walk across the courtyard trying to keep myself from skipping. I scan the yard briefly tring to spot a girl, who most probably looks like she doesn't want to be here. Hence why she came in the middle of the day, instead of from the start of the day.

That's when I spotted her, as I suspected a scowl was etched on her face. When she spots me, a small smile appears on her lips.

I'm practically vibrating. I have to stop myself from jumping up and down. I put my bags down, my canvas over it slowly as I let out a little squeal ( I couldn't help it okay?) and hugged her.

I'm jumping up and down at this point "it's the first day of junior year" I say completely out of breath.

"Really" she says sarcastically, "I didn't know that, it's not like you've been talking about it for a whole month"

I shoot her a sheepish smile as I gather my things from the floor

"You act as if we didn't see each other practically all summer"

"Well yeah but I didn't see you for all of last week"

She gives me deadpan look "That's because you said we shouldn't see each other"

My smile widens "well yeah, it makes the first day more special when you're reuniting"

She rolls her eyes and tries to hide her smile. I beam up at her as she kneels down to help me with my stuff .

"Remind me again why you have a canvas on the first day of school"

I hoist my bag up on my shoulder, taking the canvas slowly from her hands.

I try to suppress my grin as I tell her what happened earlier, "Miss April really liked the paintings I did during summer, so she asked me to paint something for the bake sale"

"That's amazing" she beams at me proudly, as we walk to her car.

"Thanks" Mia opens her car door, taking my canvas and putting it in the back.

"Do you just have to paint one painting?" She asks while arranging the canvas.

I clear my throat, "5 actually"

"Isn't the bake sale in a month?"

"Well yeah, but don't worry i'll manage"

There's a frown on her face when we make our way to the benches.

"I think it's amazing that you're doing this, just don't tire yourself working on them okay?"

I smile, and nod my head as we take a seat.

Mia may act all tough, but she's really just a big softy. After all these years she's never failed to be there for me, I know I can always count on her.

I turn toward her, instantly spooked by the smirk on my best friend's face.

"What is it?" I asked, terrified at the smirk that is slowly growing on her face

"You have an admirer" she says in a sing song voice

"What?" my cheeks heat up. I press my hands to cool my face. "what are you talking about?"

"Conner Reed is staring at you"

"What?" I say again, because apparently that's all my brain can comprehend right now.

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