.-~Chapter Seven ~-.

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I stare at the closed door my mouth hanging open

It's been a few minutes and I haven't moved an inch

Con? She called me Con

She has a nickname for me. A nickname.

A slow grin makes its way to my face as I lean my head back on the car seat.

"Oh my god, You smiled, like full on smiled"

Now liam has his mouth open staring at me in shock, before a grin appears

"Dude" he says dragging the word "I knew you liked her but this. Woah.

I'm broken out of my trace as I glare at him

"Shut up"

His grin only widens "Oh my god, you've already fallen huh?" he breathes out a laugh

"I didn't think this day would come." he says wiping a fake tear from his eye

Rolling my eyes in response, I drive out of her driveway

"Shut up" I mutter again, my grin long gone because of the idiot sitting next to me

"Aww come on Connie, I'm just messing with you"

I turn to glare at him but I'm momentarily blinded by a flash

I thought it stopped raining?

"Ah my bad, I didn't know the flash was on" Liam mutters

Stopping at a red light I turn to see a phone held up in front of me

"What are you doing?"

"I was trying to get proof that you were smiling"

Still holding the phone to my face he says, "Just remember what she called you and let me see that adorable smile again"

I grab the phone from his hand, throwing it to the back seat where Delilah was sitting just moments ago.

He lets out an offended sound "Seriously?"

I look at him briefly from the corner of my eyes before I focus on driving again

I hear him mutter something under his breath, but my mind is already gone somewhere else.

This is progress right? I mean we went from just saying hello every once in a while to a whole conversation, more than one actually and in the same week.

Not to mention the nickname.

If anyone else called me that I would have definitely hated it but for some reason, from Delilah, it's the best name i've ever heard.


"Connie, Connie, Connor" I hear someone whisper. I wake up with a jolt sitting up quickly and accidentally dropping the little girl that was sitting on my chest.

"Ow" I hear a small voice whisper, squinting my eyes in the dark. I make out a little body sitting on the floor, I turn the lamp on and pick her up, placing her on my lap so she's facing me. "Ana what are you doing here? Are you okay?"

Only then do I notice the tears, her wide hazel eyes brimmed with unshed tears, and swollen as if she's been crying for a while. I tighten my grip on her bringing her to my chest so I'm hugging her.

"What's wrong Annabelle? Was it a nightmare?"

"Is it a nightmare if it happened in real life?" She asks me sniffling slightly.

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