.-~Chapter Twenty ~-.

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My brothers supposed coworker (his crush) and her family were going to come in a few minutes and I was terrified.

I would've been in a mess if I hadn't been on a call with Connor for the last few hours. He talked me out of my stress as we both got ready listening to the other's voice. 

Outside the books I read and fictional words I loved I never thought it could be possible to get so much comfort and feel so much from just one person. The thought of him eases my nerves and I remember his words of reassurance he had been drilling in my head since I shared my nerves. He mentioned going out with his family and I couldn't help but want him to be here with me instead.

His presence alone brought an immense amount of comfort. He made me feel like I could do anything, he makes me feel brave and he makes me want to be the person I've always wanted to be but have been too scared to be.

I looked at myself in the mirror while I quickly touched up my makeup. I wore a slightly flowy and floral white dress that reached just above my knees. The dress, hair and makeup makes me feel a bit more confident but it doesn't take my nerves away completely. Just as I'm about to go fix my hair again I hear the doorbell ring, I go completely still. A few seconds later I hear Miles rushing to the door while yelling for me to come down stairs.

"Come on, Deli, they're here."


Checking my reflection quickly I head downstairs. Just as I'm about to reach the door I hear my brother's confused and slightly annoyed voice.

"What are you doing here?"

Confused, I walk a bit closer to the door and I freeze at the person I see standing in front of my brother.


Connors face brightens as soon as his name leaves my lips, he smiles widely at me "Hey."

Next thing I know I'm hugging him as If I haven't seen him in a year. I hear him let out a surprised laugh but he immediately wraps his arms around me and tightens his hold around my waist.

"I thought you were at dinner with your family."

"I am."

I pull away confused before my eyes widen as I meet multiple eyes behind him.

"Oh." My cheeks reddened as I let go of him and take a step back. He has a small smirk on his face which makes my face flame even more. I glance at Miles and he has an annoyed look on his face.

"Hi." I say nervously to the two women staring at me with amusement in their eyes which just furthers my embarrassment.

I've been a bundle of nerves ever since Miles told me they were coming over and the only person who helped calm me down was Conner and ever since my birthday last week I can't help but feel even closer to him like there's something more between us.

As soon as I saw him tonight it felt like a huge weight lifted off of my shoulder. As if I was waiting to see him for so long even though I was with him today at school.

"Hello." One of the women says, she has blonde hair that was neatly pulled into a sleek ponytail, she's wearing a black dress that compliments her. With a smile she extends her hand towards me. I'm Laura. I work with your brother. I'm also Connor's aunt."

"Oh" I say my eyes widening well that makes sense

I shake her hand feeling very self conscious. Since when was shaking a person's hand so awkward? Am I even doing this right?

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