.-~Chapter Twenty Eight ~-.

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Do you know those scenes in movies, where something big happens to the main character and she stands there frozen, as everyone around her continues on with their lives, she stands there comprehending everything, her head overflowing with a million different thoughts that feel so consuming she might just faint?

Yeah, I'm experiencing that right now.

I stare at Connor whose gaze is fierce and unwavering as he stares at me. All I know for sure is that it came out by accident, but from the way he's staring at me it feels like he meant it.

But what if he didnt? The thought alone makes my heart feel too heavy to carry.

I mouth one word to him that makes his nervous expression shift to one filled with hope.

'Really?' I ask. Nerves consume my whole body, and I feel as rigid as a statue as I hold my breath waiting for his answer.

His answer is quick, without an ounce of hesitation, he nods quickly, I can see him hold his breath waiting to see my reaction. 

I take a deep breath before mouthing those three words back to him, well four words technically.

'I love you too'

A nervous smile comes to my face as I see his completely grow, butterflies fill my stomach as his once small smile is completely replaced with the biggest one I've ever seen from him.

He turns to Liam telling him something excitedly, making Liam's eyes widen before his head quickly swivels to meet my gaze, a full blown smile on his face. He lets out a cheer before tackling Connor in a hug, gaining the attention of the rest of the players.

Laim tells everyone something before he points to me making my cheeks turn scarlet as everyone grins and cheer for Connor who looks like he's also turning slightly red.

A laugh bubbles out of me as I see them all pick Connor up, making his eyes widen before he laughs as well, his eyes meet mine with a look so sweet it makes my heart beat so fast I'm afraid the whole stadium can hear it.

"What on earth is happening?" I look towards Mia whose jaw is hanging open as she stares back and forth between Connor and I.

All I can do is blush further and laugh.


Mia and I wait by the guys' changing room waiting for Connor and Liam to come out after absolutely smashing the game.

People say that right? Smashing?

In other words they did amazing and won by a milestone, the exhilarating feeling of jumping and cheering for them is still in the air as I bounce on the balls of my feet waiting for them to come out.

It may also have to do with the fact that I'll finally see Connor, not that I'm excited or anything.

"Chill, would you?" Mia says with an amused expression. I try but fail to hide my smile which in turn causes a smirk to appear on her face. She puts her arm around my shoulders and I lean into her immediately.

"I'm happy for you," she whispers. When the game started I explained what happened to Mia and was surprised when I saw her as excited as me. Apparently she already knew about Connor's feelings and so did Liam.

I need to get the whole story from her later on but for now all I can do is smile up at her and look towards the doors waiting for him to finally come out.

My plan all along was to admit my feelings to him tonight, but I guess he beat me to it.

Families and friends are scattered everywhere waiting for the players to come out. I catch sight of Liam's dad who smiles and waves at me. I smile back at him before moving my gaze to someone I've never seen before and yet he looks so familiar.

A middle aged man stands in the corner watching the doors with a hawk-like expression. He has a beanie on his head and looked like he was trying his best to blend in but that wasn't very easy seeing that he was very tall.

When his gaze meets mine they widen slightly before he turns and leaves, I stare at his retreating back with a heavy weight in my chest.

Before he turned I managed to catch sight of his eyes.

Eyes similar to Connor's. As well as similar facial features.

Who was that and why did he look like the boy I love?

"Deli they're here," Mia says, not being able to hide the excitement in her voice which instantly causes a smile to appear on my face.

My head swivels to the changing room doors, forgetting the mysterious man when my eyes catch sight of Connor and Liam. Both boys have bright smiles.

I can't help myself from running up to him as he opens his arms for me to crash into. Soon enough Connor's arms wrap around me in a tight and secure hug.

My favorite place to be.

When he puts me down, his arms come to rest on my waist as his forehead lands gently on mine.

"You love me." He states it as a fact but his expression is still wishful, I smile before replying, "I do."

"And you love me." His dimples show up as he nods against my head, "I do."

He lifts his head and breathes out a laugh that's full of relief, "Delilah," he whispers my name so sweetly I can't help but swoon on the inside.

Maybe a bit on the outside too.

"Come with me?" he asks me, Intertwining his hand with mine.

I nod and watch as a beautiful smile lights his face once again, his dimples on full display.



Hey everyone!! I don't even know where to begin with the apologizes, first of all I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long, so much has happened in the past few months with family and school. I finished my finals for semester one and have just now started semester two of my senior year.

I'm also sorry this chapter is so short, I won't be posting another chapter until the 4th of February, In hopes the next time I publish its be a more long and eventful chapter.

Im hoping it'll also give me more time to catch up with writing and eventually go back to posting every week.

Thank you all so much for sticking around and reading my book, it truly means a lot<3 

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