.-~Chapter Ten ~-.

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I glanced towards Connor for what seemed like the tenth time. Ever since lunch he's gotten quiet, well more quiet than usual.

He looks completely out of here, his mind elsewhere while his grip on the steering wheel is hard and his eyes not leaving the road in front of him. It's as if he's fighting with himself.

After a while of silence so loud, we park into the preschools parking lot ten minutes earlier than pick up time.

I turn towards him whale he keeps his gaze outside, still lost in thought

"Con?" I call out "Connor" I say again when he still hasn't answered.

He joltes slightly before turning to me,"Sorry did you say anything?"

I smile tentatively, "You okay? You've been distracted since lunch"

He runs his fingers through his hair letting out a sigh. "Yeah I'm fine, sorry" he says shaking his head

"Hey, you don't have to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. I was just worried, you seemed bothered"

He gives me small smile but I know its not real.

Connor doesn't smile to everyone, but I've been lucky to be on the receiving end of his smile, so I know for a fact the smile he's giving me right now is not real.

"Im okay" I try to believe him but his eyes tell a whole other story.

For some reason he looks guilty

He clears his throat "We should get in, I think they're finished now"


We both walk into the very colorful preschool, the walls are each painted a different light pastel color with pictures all over, as well as cute quotes.

This place is adorable.

Do they take any volunteers?

We were both silent, Connor looks a little less distracted than before, our arms are slightly brushing and for some reason it's making me nervous.

I don't know when this happened exactly but the nerves I generally felt with people disappeared with Connor and instead different nerves showed up. Nerves I couldn't describe or fathom the reason for.

We come to a stop in front of an open classroom filled with little students and chattering, a teacher talks softly to a student in the corner, and another teacher stands by the door greeting parents.

"Hello Connor, how are you?" The elder blonde women asks him.

He gives her a polite smile "I'm fine Miss Weller, how are you?"

"I'm okay dear, let me go call Ana she's probably with Noah, those two are practically joined at the hip"

Ignoring how Connor has a frown evident on his face she turns to me "Oh hello dear, are you picking up your sibling?" Her eyes are kind and she gives me a warm smile

I smile back the older women's smile contagious "No actually I'm here with Connor"

"Miss Weller this is Delilah my-" He takes a second to answer "my friend"

"Oh" a slight glint appears in her eyes "Well aren't you two just the cutest, I'll go grab Annabelle for you"

I stare at her retreating back "She's sweet" I say finally turning to Connor

The corner of his lips turn upwards slightly "You can say that"

Do you pick Anna up a lot?

"Not everyday, just when my mom can't. I have soccer practice most days."

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