.-~Chapter Twenty Four ~-.

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I just realized I forgot to put tw for this chapter so I'm very sorry for that.
Mentions of abuse and parent neglect please read with caution


"Well isn't this a sight."

"Shh, you'll wake them up."

"Don't you think waking them up is better than Miles coming down?"

I start moving around, my sleep disturbed by the snippets of a conversion I picked up on.

I wake up feeling warm, that's the first thing I register, the second thing would be the arm encircling me.

Connor's arm.

My eyes widen as I take sight of us.

Looks like we both fell asleep on the couch, my head was still placed on a pillow on Connor's lap while his arm was around me.

My eyes widen as I immediately feel my cheeks flush.

"Awh, Miss Delilah is awake and shy." I blink a few times to see Mia and Liam standing over us with matching mischievous smiles.

Liam smirks at me, "Looks like you two had a great night."

I only blush further and try to get up but Connor's arm tightens even more around me.

"5 more minutes," he mumbles, causing my eyes to widen further.

Liam laughs loudly while Mia tries to smother her smile.

Connor's eyes snap open as he takes in the picture in front of us. He closes his eyes again and leans his head back grumbling incoherent words making me hold back my laugh.

His eyes pop open again as he accuses me with a stare making me smile and quickly jump up, "Mia, Could you please take Con to the guest bathroom?"

"Sure, come on Connie," I laugh and run upstairs as I hear Connor mutter angry words before stomping after her.

Guess he's definitely not a morning person.


"So what are you two doing here? Together, might I add?" Connor asks, still a little grouchy but much better now that he has his coffee.

"And how'd you get in?" I inquire from where I'm standing by the stove flipping pancakes while Connor cooks eggs next to me.

It feels nice to wake up next to him and then cook breakfast together, for some reason the thought of doing that again makes me all giddy.

I hoped Miles lets Connor come over more often even though I doubt it.

A sudden dread overcomes me, "It wasn't Miles who opened the door for you two, right?"

If he did open the door then he would have seen us which would most probably mean that Connor wouldn't be back here anytime soon.

Mia turns to me with a scolding look, "No Miles didn't open the door but it was already open, why was it open? Miles never forgets to close the door."

"Oh no" I whisper. "He didn't forget, I did. I was supposed to close it before going to bed but I-" I glanced at Connor, "-we accidentally fell asleep."

Mia shakes her head. "Be more careful, okay Deli? You know how important it is for your doors to be locked. If Miles are found out he'll give you a whole lecture about your safety."

I wince, that's true. I forgot to lock the doors once and Miles came back and lectured me for two hours.

One lecture about safety was enough for a lifetime. Besides, it's not like I can really blame him for being protective of my safety. There's always a chance she could break in.

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