Chapter 18

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His hand snakes up your shirt, a feeling of disgust and fear welling up in your throat.

"I need to teach you a lesson"


your eyes widen realizing it was only a nightmare,"y/n?!", the voice that fished you out of the terrifying memory was luffy, but his voice seemed so far away.

You shook as your chest rose and fell in rapid motion trying to catch oxygen that seemed as if it wasnt there.

W.. Why did you fall asleep.

You question yourself as you blinked away the tears threatening to fall as you gasped for air, your hands clutch your heart as a desperate attempt to make it stop beating so hard in your chest, you could feel its thumping in your ears.

Hands grab your face roughly


He forcefully made you look into his widened eyes, his eyebrows furrowed into one line. His rounded ink black eyes seeping with worry.


He says your name again. His tone softer this time, dripping with worry.

"luffy?", you say desperately as if you were in immense pain, your voice cracked as you felt tears in your throat.

His hands cupping your face tensed, you could tell he didn't know what to do.

The helpless expression on your face was new and worrying.

His heart ached as he saw the tears that threatened your glossy eyes finally fall down your cheek, without thinking you latch onto his torso and cry silently into his chest.

You could feel his body tense up and then relax before he finally embraced your shaking mess of self.

As if on cinematic queue a thunder bolt filled the air followed by heavy rain.

The sound of thunder only intensified your shaking, making luffy's grip on you tighten.

"y/n, you're safe.", he says softly, it almost didn't sound like him because it was so different from his usual tone.

"you're safe", he repeats and gives your body a gentle squeeze, you believed him. You trusted him and you knew you were safe in his arms, but your body was still shaken up.

The loud thunder and rain continued just like the warmth of luffy's arms wrapped over your back and waist. He hadn't moved an inch, his slow and controlled breathing calmed you as you cried into his chest until you were too tired to cry anymore.

You slowly remove your face from his chest, you look up to his face a bit embarassed at how you shamelessly cried like a child.

"you okay now?" he says barely above a whisper, you nod rapidly as a way to distract yourself from the unusually hot tone.

"why?", you blink confused,"what happened? Who did this?", he questions frustratedly, as he examines your face for any injuries.

He frowns when you hesitantly look down, unable to answer his questions, he looks at you again before letting out a deep and childishly frustrated sigh.

You understood why he would be irritated by your silence, but you didn't want to burden him with your newly bred trauma from that day and you knew if you talked about it right at this moment your body would go back into shock.

He frowns again,"it's fine, don't tell me just yet", he says as he gets up and dusts himself off.

He bends down, holds you just below your chest, you breath hitches in your throat as his grip tightens, "I can get up on my own", you protest trying hard not to show how hard your heart was beating.

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