Chapter 40

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Everything was still.

You stare off at the shelf filled to the brim with herbs, all kinds of mystical looking plants and colourful pills that only a child or Luffy would mistake for candy.

You remembered all the times you'd wake up and see this after you've been knocked out for a few days.

Your face stiffens ever so slightly when you remember that luffy would be at your side or running down the hall of the sunny as soon as he heard that you were awake.

His name forever remained in your mind, you thought the craving you had for him would dissappear once you'd see him but it never stopped, Not even when he was closest.

Stupidly, the craving only worsened when he held you so tenderly.

You sigh softly, your lips twitching into a frown.

Your Heart

You grit your teeth and suppress the sudden urge to press your hand against it, like it would somehow silence the small but heavy ache.

The weight was the realization of how different things seemed now, how different the captain seemed.

Did things change while I was away?

"y/n! I asked where you're hurting!!", you blink a bit to focus your blurred and absent eyes before you turn your head to face him, immediately bowing your head a bit in apology.

"Sorry about that Chopp", you reply softly with a quilty smile, the reindeer huffing in response and crossing his arms, "You're always so out of it y/n!", he scolds.

Could you blame me?

"Are you really scolding an injured person right now Doctor Chopper?", you ask, dragging the word 'Doctor' with a raised eyebrow and a small smile, earning a glare from the small reindeer as you watched him get onto his chair to reach you up on the checkup bed.

"I'll check your vitals now", he explains before he puts up a stethoscope up to your chest, the cold metal against your skin felt electric, causing your body to flinch back and shiver.

"breathe in slowly", the reindeer says seriously which stuck up a sense of deja vu, the words sounded familiar, it made you think of all the checkups you had gotten because of how often you end up hurting yourself, whether it be the results of fighting or even clumsy footing.

You smile sweetly at the reindeer before you nod and follow the doctors orders, breathing in slowly like you always did but regretting it almost immediately once you tried it.


Wincing through gritted teeth and grabbing your rib cage with shaky hands in response to the sharp and excruciating pain reminding you of the hits you took during your battle.

Choppers eyes widen in panic when he sees your reaction, his little hooves grabbing onto your hands and removing it from the pained area.

"Why didn't you tell me you were in that much pain.!",he worriedly asked as he began unbuttoning your blood-stained shirt only enough to see the area you had held instinctively to the pain.

"I kind of forgot I had that little issu-", a loud gasp sucked all the air in the room before you could finish, the reindeer staring at left side of your ribcage in horror.

"L-little? Are being serious!? This is anything but little y/n..." he ruffles the fluff on his face frustratedly, his eyes still glued to the blue and purple bruise that stained the entire left side of ribcage.

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